Weird Christmas - Dreams, Demons & Ghost Stories

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Dec 29, 2014, 3:24:40 PM12/29/14
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Weird Christmas - Dreams, Demons & Ghost Stories
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  Merry Christmas - Wishing you a Great 2015
Hello, Merry Christmas - it is time to say a big thankyou to our subscribers who live all over the planet.  We're celebrating with new TV Shows and new Movies...

Christmas GHOST STORIES, new pumping, fantastic MUSIC VIDEOS, new Movies, new Documentaries - If you wish to subscribe, then Just click here

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  The KOSHER NOSTRA - the inside story of Jewish Gangsters in NYC
  New for 2015 - The WEIRD SHOW…!
The WEIRD SHOW is exactly that - Weird… But it is not 'silly funny ha ha' 'weird', it is a show which educates and inspires, whilst at the same time taking you on a journey through the mysterious and strange worlds of people who are ignored by the mainstream media…

This Christmas, we launch new episodes of the Weird Show which investigate the world of DREAMS, and show what happens when live TV anchor presenters have BRAIN SHUT-DOWNS live on air!  We also have a selection of amazing WEIRD MUSIC from Japan and interview the Jewish Canibals!

Basically, the enigma channel broadcasts documentaries which no other network has the courage to show.  Please subscribe and help to support 100% uncensored, unbiased reporting & film making.

If you would like to watch documentaries about hidden history...


Digital Film Making   Prehistoric Aliens and Nephilim in the Bible   YouTube Censorship

This week, we begin broadcasting a TV series which takes you deeper into the world of strange Occult Rituals which are performed on every continent on planet earth…  

The Demons of the Goetia, Kabbalah, Jinn Spirits, Ouija, Exorcisms and other very strange phenomena are all carefully investigated.

THE ANNUNAKI in PERU?  Yes, we know this sounds incredible, but there are ancient artefacts inside museums in Peru which look as if they came from ancient Iraq and the era of the so called Annunaki… One look at the 'OLMEC' face sculptures of pre-Colombian native art and we can immediately see Oriental features in their faces - all the ancient signs show that Peru was a land visited by ancient cultures many thousands of years before Christpher Colombus...

So, if there was trans-global travel taking place in the ancient world what route did these ancient explorers  take?  Well, my research suggests that they travelled across the entire planet using ships made of river reeds, making their way via the Polynesian Islands and using the stars for navigation…  Many south sea islands were stopping-off posts - and this is why the art of 'Oceania' resembles the art of Africa….

Click here to start your subscription...


In the 2nd century BC a new civilization called the Mayans arose in the valleys of Mexico. This civilisation built the flourishing metropolis of Teotihuacán and it’s huge step pyramids. A decline in population in the 6th century AD has been correlated to lengthy droughts related to the climate changes. Seven centuries after the demise of the Teotihuacán empire, the pyramids of the lost city were honoured and utilized by the Aztecs and became a place of pilgrimage.

Palenque in Mexico is much smaller than some of the other lost cities of the Mayan, but it contains some of the finest architecture and sculptures the Mayans ever produced. Most structures in Palenque date from about 600 AD to 800 AD. The city declined during the 8th century. An agricultural population continued to live there for a few generations, then the lost city was abandoned and was slowly grown over by the forest.

STONE AGE Man was exactly that - STONED…   But he was not 'lost' - he was guided by a pantheon of forest spirits…  And they gave us all the most invaluable teachings via psychedelic symbolism…  The MAYANS were probably the most 'hallucinogenically gifted' people in south America… The ancient sacred plants of the Mayans are actually the bedrock inspirational place from where religious cosmologies of the Maya, the Aztecs, and the many advanced civilisations of ancient Mexico actually come from… 

If you would like to watch documentaries about hidden history...



People are misguided and think that EVERY DOCUMENTARY which has ever been made in the history of Television is available on YouTube - well that is not true… Many documentaries are CENSORED and edited and then re-uploaded by anonymous sources onto YouTube.  In most cases, a viewer is then guided to the censored version of a documentary film.  This technique is effectively censoring the true HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE…  'The Judas Conspiracy' is just one example of many documentaries which are broadcast by the ENIGMA CHANNEL which are not available in their original format nor running time on commercial video sharing websites...

We now have a major revolution in archaeology happening.  Ivory statues dating back to 23,000 BC prove that mankind was an artistic and intelligent Being with tools and skills which previously had been unknown by academics.

Neolithic people INHERITED many of these ancient temples, re-carved and embellished them and that is why the Giza plateau has such a wide variety of architectural styles. 

Click here to watch a range of films which investigate the true history of Egypt.

SPIRITWORLD III   HD Documentary Search Engine - no censorship - 7 languages

SPIRITWORLD III was delayed mainly because the production budget was stolen by a woman who is now under police investigation.  SPIRITWORLD III is being digitally premiered on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL in multiple parts.  It is a film which blows the lid on occult groups, covens and brotherhoods - many weirdo type extremist people tried to stop this motion picture documentary from being released...

You can start watching our multi-part premiere of this amazing film right now on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL - subscribe, log-in and then click on our MOVIES tab and watch the first part.

We have set-up a new DVD production facility and are sending SPIRITWORLD III in hand-crafted cases using eco friendly packaging.

Thank you to everyone for being patient whilst we complete this complicated and massive film project.

Your Subscription means that we can travel and make films about subjects which the mainstream media ignore.

ENIGMA MOTION PICTURES are developing an HD Video Search Engine.  Just imagine having every great documentary ever made, in full HD quality...

Your Subscription means that there is now a major alternative to the Mainstream Media.  

We are developing a new generation of Search Engine technology which will bring you the best documentaries with smooth scrubbable play-bar.


We're hosting a new series of lectures and conferences all over the world.  We not only make movies, but also film Bonus Extras which feature in-depth interviews & mini-tours with the world's leading authors and researchers!  Would you like to book a ticket?  Our conferences are FREE to all subscribers via SKYPE and you can join us on-location too!   Contact us!


We're already digitally premiering the first part of Chris Everard's SPIRITWORLD III movie…  This week you can tune into view an extraordinary part of the film which features the PYRAMIDS IN CHINA...

For the first time, we see the direct relationship between the Ivy League SKULL & BONES Brotherhood and Voodoo in Haiti.  We have invested in a BluRay duplication system and our DVD customers will soon be receiving their discs in Collector Boxes.

Your Subscription means that we can expand our  movie production facility.  If you would like to join our documentary production team, then please contact us.

THE OCCULT WORLD   Kundalini and Vedic Massage training videos   Nikola Tesla and Levitation Technology

The terms shedim and mazzikim were often used as synonyms, but in some sources there is a certain differentiation between them. In the Zohar it is thought that the spirits of evil men become mazzikim after their death. However, there are also good-natured devils who are prepared to help and do favors to men. This is supposed to be particularly true of those demons who are ruled by Ashmedai ( Asmodeus ) who accept the Torah and are considered "Jewish demons." Their existence is mentioned by the Hasidei Ashkenaz as well as in the Zohar. According to legend, Cain and Abel, who contain some of the impurity of the serpent which had sexual relations with Eve, possess a certain demonic element and various demons came from them. But, in practice, the mating of female devils with human males and of male devils with female humans continued throughout history. These devils are mortal, but their kings and queens live longer than human beings and some of them, particularly Lilith and Naamah, will exist until the day of the Last Judgment (Zohar 1:55a). Various speculations were made on the death of the kings of the demons, in particular of Ashmedai (Tarbiz, 19 (1948), 160–3). One popular view is that Ashmedai is merely the title of the office of the king of the demons, just as Pharaoh is the title of the office of the king of Egypt, and "every king of the demons is called Ashmedai," as the word Ashmedai in gematria is numerically equivalent to Pharaoh. Long genealogies of the demons and their families are found in Judeo-Arabic demonology.

Chi Energy & Kundalini:

Albert Einstein described Buddhism ‘the religion of the future’.  But you do not need to be Buddhist to feel the benefit of VEDIC MASSAGE and CHI ENERGY therapies.  Michael Buck is featured in a series of TV shows discussing the benefits of VEDIC MASSAGE. 

THE ENIGMA CHANNEL is travelling the world meeting with alternative healers - they offer RADIONICS, MASSAGE, CUPPING, REFLEXOLOGY and many other therapies which are ignored by mainstream science and which are also often censored from Wiki pages.

Our documentaries show real-life villages and monks from the Himilayas, and interviews with TIBETAN DOCTORS who use small pills made from gemstones to heal sick people.  We also investigate Kundalini and the life forces listed in ancient texts.

In Hinduism, Kundalini is given the name Shakti - when activated, it will spiral up around the spine, seeking the reunion with god Shiva at the Crown Chakra...

Stand by to have your mind blown wide open - click to SUBSCRIBE HERE

TESLA & John Hutchison

Nikola Tesla was not just a genius who masterminded wireless electricity, X-rays and dozens of patented inventions, but he was a seer.  Tesla once said "Of all the frictional resistances, the one that most retards human movement is ignorance, what Buddha called “the greatest evil in the world.” The friction which results from ignorance can be reduced only by the spread of knowledge and the unification of the heterogeneous elements of humanity. No effort could be better spent".

One of our present day scientists who is greatly influenced by Tesla is JOHN HUTCHISON; we go deep behind the racks of gadgets in his amazing laboratory and allow John and his assistants to describe CRYSTAL POWER CELLS and other modern derivative technologies which are inspired by the wizardry of NIKOLA TESLA.

We're broadcasting a huge range of documentaries about TECHNOLOGY & Free Energy research.

Click here to join our family of viewers

  Virtual Cinema:
We have set up a FREEVIEW TRAILER PAGE so you can watch a mind-blowing selection of our trailers…

Our Virtual Cinema has movies which are banned and censored from being shown on YouTube.  THE ENIGMA CHANNEL is 100% uncensored. We have earth-shattering new films in production…

VIP Uploader Account:
Truther channels are being deleted and censored from YouTube on a daily basis…  Our remedy is to offer UpLoader Accounts with 100GB of video storage space so that the world's best authors and researchers can be rest assured their video archives are safe.  Watch this space for more info.

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Gods of the Ancient World - presented by CHRIS EVERARD
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