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Chris Everard - British author & Film maker

Oct 25, 2022, 10:46:23 AM10/25/22
Long, long before Josef Mengele, and the 'Angel of Death', long before Auschwitz... The world's biggest holocaust started...But unlike the Holocaust of World War II, this bigger holocaust IS STILL GOING ON TODAY...SIXTY MILLION men, women and children...

Long, long before Josef Mengele, and the 'Angel of Death', long before Auschwitz... The world's biggest holocaust started...

But unlike the Holocaust of World War II, this bigger holocaust IS STILL GOING ON TODAY...

SIXTY MILLION men, women and children were placed in CONCENTRATION CAMPS all over the USA and Canada - long before the concentration camps run by Hitler and his financier, the British Prince Carl Eduard Saxe-Coburg were built.

These concentration camps for American and Canadian Indians were called ‘reservations’ and their children were tortured and murdered in so called ‘Residential Schools’, which were run by nuns and priests.

Their bodies were burned, or just tossed into unmarked graves. And it didn't happen just in the USA and Canada - it has been going on in Ireland and Scotland too...

THE SECRET HOLOCAUST film exposes an international network of fake nuns and fake priests. Many of them were Frankist-Sabbateans, or outright SATANISTS.

These counterfeit Clergy dupe people to believe they are part of the Catholic Church - this is a snippet from one of their secret masses:

"I believe in the mystery of Baphomet and the Demiurge.
I believe in one acknowledged superior Church, represented by the White Brotherhood!"

History has proven that many of these fake nuns and priests are pedophile rapists and fraudsters - but they look no different to a normal nun or priest - and some have been working at Catholic institutions for decades…

In Canada, for nearly one hundred years, Catholic nuns and priests raped children. These nuns and priests were given money from the government, given donations on plates, received money from the British Crown and Canadian government for supposedly educating the children at so called ‘RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS’ - and all this money was TAX FREE… An almost identical program of genocide was funded by the U.S. government.


In 2004, child victims of the Duplessis orphanage demanded to exhume several hundred bodies in an abandoned cemetery in Montreal so they can be tested for evidence of medical experiments.

Nuns at the Duplessis orphanage have been accused of NAZI-style concentration camp experiments and carrying out unauthorised brain surgery on children.  American Indian activist, Floyd Westerman said that Hitler got the idea for his concentration camps from the Indian reservations and schools set up in the USA and Canada in the 1800s.

Rod Vienneau, a spokesperson for the group of Duplessis orphans in Montreal, said experiments they suspect were performed on living children included lobotomies - that is the removal of a part of the brain - being performed by a nun or a priest who has no medical training.

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Our research for the SECRET HOLOCAUST film has for the first time identified similarities to the MK-ULTRA mind control and brainwashing techniques used in Canada by a Scottish doctor Ewan Cameron.

As soon as First Nations children were snatched, they were brainwashed by the nuns and priests - some of the children were given a number - not a name.  Their heads were shaved. They were forbidden to speak their native languages:  All this long long before the era of Joseph Mengele…

Nuns at Residential Schools and orphanages were allowed to sell bodies to medical schools for $10. No one knows how many orphans ended up on the dissection tables for medical students… Meanwhile, indigenous Irish and Scottish children were also being injected with experimental vaccines.  The culprits of the Irish and Scottish mass murders were the exact same priests and nuns who were actively involved in genocide against First Nations people in America and Canada.

For the first time ever on film - we show the relations between killer nuns and priests in several countries - and how they travelled globally and trafficked babies and children.

This secret holocaust is far larger than the second world war holocaust - and what we reveal in this film is that part of the holocaust which killed  Canadian and American Indians and murdered countless indigenous Irish and Scottish babies was funded in- part by the British Crown and Vatican.

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