NASA finally announces a public UFO investigation

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Chris Everard - British author & Film maker

Oct 26, 2022, 7:30:06 AM10/26/22
A new episode of COSMIC TOP SECRET features one of NASA's most respected engineers, who believes that spacecraft 'up to one earth diameter in length' have been photographed in our solar system. His revelations are featured in my film series 'COSMIC TOP...

A new episode of COSMIC TOP SECRET features one of NASA's most respected engineers, who believes that spacecraft 'up to one earth diameter in length' have been photographed in our solar system. His revelations are featured in my film series 'COSMIC TOP SECRET', alongside Navy pilots' eye-witness UFO accounts. It's exclusively on the Enigma Channel - not on Netflix nor YouTube.

Back in the summer, the Enigma Channel streamed ROYAL COSMIC TOP SECRET which shows UFOS flying in and around the military airshow put on for the Queen's jubilee. You can see these UFOS flying right above the heads of 500,000 people in broad daylight in the centre of London - it's streaming right now on the Enigma Channel.

NASA has finally announced an 'Expert Panel' of scientists who will investigate and report on the UFO phenomenon.

This is in the wake of the SECRET SPACE and COSMIC TOP SECRET film series, which have been featured in the British DAILY EXPRESS newspaper recently.

Also, Navy pilots have come forward and reported that UFOS off Virginia Beach were showing up on Radar every day - one pilot described them as a BLACK CUBE encased inside a translucent sphere...

It's time to bin all these mainstream media fake documentaries, and go beyond the fake clickbait UFO clips on YouTube...

COSMIC TOP SECRET goes straight to scientists with top level security clearance.

The COSMIC TOP SECRET film series shows that since way before the Apollo mission ever started, Astronauts were reporting UFOS.

GORDON COOPER is one of the greatest pioneers of Space - he was rocketed into orbit aboard the mercury 7 rocket. As soon as Gordon Cooper landed he wrote a letter to the Secretary General of the UNITED NATIONS clearly explaining that planet earth was being visited by alien UFOS.

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NASA astronaut, Gordon Copper, subsequently told the United Nations that fellow astronauts John Glenn and Scott Carpenter both saw UFOS in space. Some astronauts referred to them as ‘fireflies’ - other astronauts described them as ‘bogeys’.

Trouble is, the Secretary General of the United Nations was a NAZI - Mr KURT WALDHEIM - and one of the most important people in the DEEP STATE.

Kurt Waldheim was a NAZI war criminal - and the NAZIS had their own secret space program. Waldheim was an international ‘handler’ managing and suppressing and censoring activities of the United Nations on behalf of the Royal-Political DEEP STATE... 

And 'Flying Saucers' were already being studied at secret meetings of the 'Buckingham Palace Flying Saucer Research Group' in London...

You know, they say you should judge people by their actions - not their words… 

Well, former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kurt Waldheim, did absolutely EVERYTHING HE COULD TO ATTRACT ALIENS TO PLANET EARTH…

Kurt Waldheim hired Carl Sagan to make a gold plaque with pictures of a naked woman and a naked man and a star map showing aliens exactly how to find planet earth… 

They then spent billions of tax payers dollars and shot the gold plaque into deep space… 

Since then, there have been several ‘Galactic Broadcasts’ where data, computer code and even a song by the Beatles has been beamed billions of miles into outer space in an attempt to make contact with aliens…

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Professor Stephen Hawkins criticised this approach and warned that aliens who came prowling in our atmosphere would likely be ‘predatory’…

And boy, was he 100% correct!

Kurt Waldheim and Carl Sagan created a solid gold long-playing record with messages in dozens of languages welcoming aliens to planet earth!

Ever since that gold plaque was sent into space, UFO activity on planet earth has gone off the scale.

CROP CIRCLE activity increased immensely, inspiring COLIN ANDREWS to invent the term “CROP CIRCLE” and to write two ground breaking books stuffed with photos of crop circle formations and weird small UFOS - one of which was nestled in the centre of a formation which it had just created!

COSMIC TOP SECRET is a film which shows you NASA & PENTAGON footage of masses of UFOS - in the THOUSAND - but also investigates the DEEP STATE.

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