scmutils ported to Clojure!

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Jan 5, 2016, 9:36:29 PM1/5/16
to Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics
Those of us who are looking for a more portable platform to run the SICM examples on, may be interested to know that Colin Smith has produced a nice implementation in Clojure!

This gives access to the whole JVM environment, and so should be great in the future for linking graphics libraries, numerical routines, etc.

Colin's implementation has addressed some major portability issues, in particular MIT-Scheme's "application hooks", which allowed users to apply structures of functions to arguments and which were notoriously non-portable.  They allowed this sort of thing, which is great, but quite a challenge to do in other languages:
 => ((up sin cos tan) 1.0)

(up 0.841471 0.540302 1.55741)

In fact, other than the heavyweight CASs like Maple, J is the only language I know that can do something remotely like this out of the box. Very good use has been made of underlying Java "interfaces".

Even though the system is new and surely needs a lot of work, the basics seem to be all there, and the first few examples out of the book work fine.

You can find the github page here:

and you can also see some of Colin's musings and experiences on his blog here:

Hope this is useful to someone, I have tried the system and it works well, I believe it has a future!

Happy New Year to All


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