; Hermite Polynomials
(define ((HermiteH n) x)
(* (expt -1 n)
(exp (expt x 2))
(((expt D n) (lambda (x) (exp (- (expt x 2))))) x)))
; Is there a better way to implement the last line, maybe without the
lambda clause?
; Laguerre Polynomials
(define ((LaguerreL n) x)
(* (/ (exp x) (factorial n))
(((expt D n) (lambda (x) (* (expt x n)
(exp (- x)))))
; Legendre Polynomials
(define ((LegendreP n) x)
(/ (((expt D n) (lambda (x) (expt (+ -1 (expt x 2)) n))) x)
(expt 2 n)
(factorial n)))