It is the highst-ranked request:
with support from Lucas, Horst and Jeff and vocal support during our
ShowMeDo Skype Conferences.
The first step has been to introduce a PayPal Donate link on the About
page in yesterday's updates:
The next step will be to introduce a side-bar on the videos pages (only
for authors who want it) which is linked directly to an author's PayPal
I'll be introducing it on my videos and I'd like to know - who else would
like to join the test?
The donations will be tied to *your* paypal account and you get to keep
100% of whatever you collect. We don't get involved in the transaction
nor do we offer any alternative to PayPal in this experiment (one thing at
a time!).
You are free to spend the proceeds yourself or donate them elsewhere - any
money you generate is yours. PayPal will tell you the donator's email so
you have the option of thanking them personally.
All you have to do is tell me your PayPal account (it is free to setup a
PayPal account) and I'll add the sidebar to your video pages. I'll be
writing the sidebar next week - of course you can watch to see how it
looks on my pages and them decide after, there's no time limit.
Assuming that the experiment is successful we'll figure out what needs
improving and we'll iterate from there.
Sounds like a great feature!
Rob Marchetti
is that all you need to know?
please add me to the test-list.
Jerol Harrington wrote:
> Here is the Paypal email address for Bram Molenaar's Ugandan relief
> project: <>
> Please use that for my ShowMeDos.
> Thanks,
> Jerol
> >
On 9 nov, 02:03, Ian Ozsvald <> wrote:
> Jerol, Erik - emails are noted, thanks.
> Ian.
> Jerol Harrington wrote:
> > Here is the Paypal email address for Bram Molenaar's Ugandan relief
> > project: <>
gasto5FILTERITSURE AT libero.cumbersomeSPAM FILTER it
Remove: 'filteritsure' that is in capitals and the space at both sides
of 'AT' and replace 'AT' by '@' . Also remove: cumbersomeSPAM FILTER
and the space before 'it' . Thanks.
> > Ocultar texto de la cita -
> - Mostrar texto de la cita -
Re. 'donations' - after a conversation last night at our '£5 App Day' (a monthly event to encourage boot-strapped entrepreneurial activity) where we discussed ShowMeDo's donations idea, we're probably going to give it a different name like 'Author rewards'. 'Donation' is a word which devalues the author's effort I think and of course we're keen to make people really appreciate the effort that you all put in!
Anyways I think the 'author reward' idea is great for this site, since
we keep it free, yet people that have the possibility and are
motivated to help, then they do, just like some sourceforge projects.