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Re: Intermittent Failure...

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Edward Ocampo-Gooding

Nov 29, 2011, 4:45:17 PM11/29/11
Hmm… that’s interesting. We’ll investigate – as far as I know, a customer record is always on file for an order but I could be wrong.

Edward Ocampo-Gooding
Developer Advocate, Shopify

On 2011-11-29, at 1:32 PM, Dave wrote:

> Hi,
> I process a lot of orders via WebHooks. It seems that every now and
> then, my webhook parser blows chunks on the customer record.
> eg:
> {
> :first_name => order['customer']['first_name'],
> :last_name => order['customer']['last_name']
> }
> It seems that while the order structure is all there, the
> order['customer'] is not. Is that possible? Do you send orders out the
> door that are paid, but have no customer record?
> Like I say, it is intermittent... so I would like to know... from the
> gang in the mushroom closet... what is the source of this confusion,
> the API docs seem to indicate there is always a customer record
> attached to an order.
> Please advise...
> Thanks

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