Tomorrow! Toyama 6D vs TTSeries7 winners. The next tourney...

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Karolina Styczyńska

Aug 19, 2023, 3:08:25 PM8/19/23
Dear Shogi Friends,

Tomorrow the long-awaited event will take place at 20:00 Japan time.
Toyama 6 Dan professional will teach our 4 Harbourer's in handicap games (Rook, Bishop, 2 piece and 4 piece handicaps).
It will be live streamed on twitch and later available on Shogi Harbour youtube.
(you can check your timezone on our discord events tab)

The next season registration is already open with 30 players registered. If you'd like to join us to have a chance at awesome teaching game like the one above, remember the registration is open until 31st August! Details on

Hope to see you at the stream,
Karolina Fortin (Shogi Harbour)

Karolina Styczyńska

Aug 30, 2023, 7:29:23 AM8/30/23
It is the last day and half to register for TTSeries Season 8.
The last season of the year! Categories for all levels of play - from beginner to high dan! Pro teaching games for the winners! 
Aug 31st end of registration.

Hurry up if you want to join! :)
Karolina Fortin (Shogi Harbour)
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