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What is your opinion about roger hare?

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calogero salomon

Apr 28, 2021, 1:53:20 AM4/28/21
what is your opinion about roger hare, who some see him as an idol, others think he is just a charlatan, maybe he is some authority in shogi outside of japan or is he just someone who seeks glory through his publications and memories from the past, what is your honest opinion

Riko De Las Casas

Apr 28, 2021, 3:10:48 AM4/28/21
Is it really necessary to start drama in the shogi community without any provocation?

On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 12:53 AM calogero salomon <> wrote:
what is your opinion about roger hare, who some see him as an idol, others think he is just a charlatan, maybe he is some authority in shogi outside of japan or is he just someone who seeks glory through his publications and memories from the past, what is your honest opinion

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Apr 28, 2021, 1:03:19 PM4/28/21
On Wednesday, 28 April 2021 at 06:53:20 UTC+1 wrote:
what is your opinion about roger hare, who some see him as an idol, others think he is just a charlatan, maybe he is some authority in shogi outside of japan or is he just someone who seeks glory through his publications and memories from the past, what is your honest opinion

This is so screamingly funny, that it's not true...😎

I have never thought of myself as an 'idol' - never occurred to me. I have published a few digests of older English language
material because I thought the material contained there was useful in a context where there is so little English language
material available. It's there - it's available - folks use it or don't use it. If they do use it, that's great. If they don't that's great too.

I've never thought of myself as an 'authority' on Shogi outside of Japan either. I'm probably the world's worst Shogi player!

I've never thought of myself as a 'charlatan' either, though I freely confess to being a 'cynic'. Frankly I think it's excruciatingly
funny that someone should get so worked up about my modest efforts that they feel the need to indulge in this sort of attack.

However, I don't think that the quality (or otherwise) of my modest contributions is the real reason for this attack:

Back in (I think) 2017, this guy published a book on Shogi in Italian. I can't comment on the quality as I don't speak Italian.
He also published an English translation, which was very, very bad, and I said so in a review on Amazon. The English was so bad
that after 50 years of Shogi, I didn't understand it. Many of the diagrams were also distorted in either the vertical or horizontal
direction. Strangely, some time after I posted my review, the sample pages disappeared from the Amazon listing so that
folks were no longer able to verify my claims.

Recently, this guy contacted me by electronic mail asking me for a list of Shogi books in English - which I supplied. He then
contacted me again complaining that he had "been attacked and publicly defamed by a shogi association" in Italy, and that
this was because I had given his book a bad review. I told him (politely) why I had posted a critical review. There were other
perfectly polite exchanges, but it's now looks a little as if all this may have been a carefully planned build-up to this personal

I say again, I am falling about laughing at this - it is so funny - and perhaps a little sad. I will supply copies of the complete
electronic mail correspondence to anyone who is interested (I really can't imagine anyone being that interested).

Calogero my dear friend; a short personal message to you from me: Thank you so much for giving me such a laugh - you have
brightened my day more than a little. You can rest assured that I will somehow work your comments into the next release of my
'Introduction to Shogi'. I believe in being up-front about criticism of my 'umble efforts...😎

Roger Hare

calogero salomon

Apr 28, 2021, 2:10:41 PM4/28/21
oooh you  are here,  good good, but i need correct you something, i never attack you, i making a question,  you can say i attack you only if you read something like: roger hare is this and this and this,  in only this case you can say i attack you,but make a question for know what other people  thinking, is only curiosity  ;) 

if you don't understand my english, sorry, but i thinking you understand me right now,  about the  diagrams, i use the same program you use for your free books, 

i never prepare attack you, because i don't know you and is not important to me,  like you say in your message you don't liked when i put a example with the cars like shogi pieces, because you thinking (and this is your personal idea) is not good for someone learn shogi with this kind of example,  for me is a good example, because i want show all about shogi, is not a sin show this or if i consider this a good example, any person have differents ideas. 

I think that this is more an exchange of points of view, as well as for you in your personal opinion my book is not good, for others it is. I accept criticism with great pleasure and I imagine that you can also accept criticism about your free books, as for example you repeat a lot some things in your books that are not necessary from a personal point of view.

If you cheer the day, well, I'm happy for you, about my messages, no, I do not authorize you to use them in your next publications, whether they are free or for sale, because they are my personal ideas and I also claim my right to author, hahahahaha

 I don't authorize you to distribute the messages I send you, because they are messages between you and me, if everyone publishes the messages then there would be no privacy about something, you don't think so.

Take good care of yourself, I wish you the best and if it makes your day happy, good, at least there was a free exchange between us, I made your day happy and your free books helped me, a sincere hug and take care,  to the next time  roger.

Baggio Giuseppe

Apr 30, 2021, 7:12:53 AM4/30/21

The AIS (“Associazione Italiana Shogi - Italian Shogi Association”) existing in Italy since 1999, concerning the recent thread started by Mr. Calogero Salomon on shogi_l about Mr. Hare, remarks that:

1) Mr. Salomon is not a member of the AIS since he has created his own personal group formerly called “Shogi club Italia” (2018), renamed as  “Associazione Italiana Shogi Club Italia” (July 2020) and then renamed once again in “Federazione italiana shogi” (Italian Shogi Federation) in December 2020.


2) the AIS has never authorized a third party to speak on its behalf;


3) the AIS doesn’t have any kind of institutional relationship with the group “Italian shogi federation”, on which behalf Mr. Solomon speaks;


4) the members of the AIS do not share Mr. Salomon’s specious opinions, that are false and lesive in their content, and unfair in their method, about Mr. Hare’s books and works about shogi.


We express our full solidarity with Mr Hare and We all hope that the spread of the Shogi may go hand in hand with personal maturity and intellectual honesty.


Kind regards from Italy

Associazione Italiana Shogi


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Apr 30, 2021, 12:20:49 PM4/30/21
On Wednesday, 28 April 2021 at 19:10:41 UTC+1 wrote:
oooh you  are here,  good good, etc...

Arrant  nonsense - this deluge of tosh is what I call the 'Wall of Bullshit' approach. Not worth a damn.

Still very funny though...



May 14, 2021, 1:33:22 PM5/14/21
On Friday, 30 April 2021 at 17:20:49 UTC+1 captbirdseye wrote:
Arrant  nonsense - this deluge of tosh is what I call the 'Wall of Bullshit' approach. Not worth a damn.

A short follow-up FWIW.

On 28th April, this man Salomon was detected attempting to post malicious comments relating to a 
completely unconnected third party on my DropBox archive. That third person was a member of this
mailing list, so beware...
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