List of all articles published in TSA's Shogi magazine

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Eric De Las Casas

Feb 12, 2023, 3:13:43 AM2/12/23
Hi shogi fans,

I was doing some personal cataloguing to make it easier to flip through the old Shogi magazine, and realized that this is probably a resource that should be made public, so I've made it a public spreadsheet.

This is a list of every article George Hodges published in his magazine.  It should make it easier to decide and find the exact issue you want to read, and, more importantly, I hope that seeing the depth of articles provided might encourage people to purchase the magazine for themselves.  The PDFs are still available from George's family by e-mailing and I highly recommend buying them if you're serious about the game or interested in its western history.

-Riko De Las Casas
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