Toolbox hanging while interlinearising

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Jason Lee

Jun 20, 2022, 11:44:47 PM6/20/22
to Shoebox/Toolbox Field Linguist's Toolbox
Toolbox has just started hanging on me while interlinearising. It didn't use to happen before (even as recently as a few days ago).

What is happening?
If a word is in the lexicon, it seems to find it okay, but then all windows within Toolbox go grey and no menu items work at all. Any mouse-clicks or typing in Toolbox causes an alert sound to ring out. The only way to close Toolbox is to use Task Manager to end Toolbox.

Before I restart Toolbox, I go through file explorer to make sure everything within my Toolbox folder is NOT 'read only' (including settings and data files).

I have three processess in my interlinear setup:
From To Process
tx mb Parse
mb ge Lookup
mb ps Lookup

An example clause:
\ref VASZOLYI_E01-003109A_1.007
\ELANBegin 00:00:40.627
\ELANEnd 00:00:46.651
\ELANParticipant LU
\tx Wundugu. Wundugu.
\mb wundugu
\sf wub_1971-02-27_03-06_word-list_VASZOLYI_E01-003109A_lu_ev_edit_jl.wav 40.627 46.651

Entry in the lexicon that has the word 'wundugu':
\lx wundugu
\hm 2
\lc wundugu minya
\ps n., M-class
\gv wundugu

\sn 1
\ge night
\sy nanggi
\sy worlorlu
\ue Southern
\sd elements
\so Capell 1941

\sn 2
\re evening
\de evening
\sy galagala
\sy wananaarra
\sd elements
\so Vasse 1972
\dt 04/Mar/2022

now my freaking keyboard is acting weird... aargh! my shift key is behaving like my alt key!!!!!

The Toolbox crashing issue wasn't happening a few days ago with another text file that I was in interlinearising. [Hmmm... my shift key is working properly again... strange...]

Both are the same database type.

Now both won't interlinearise without causing Toolbox to crash/hang.

It all started today with a new text that I exported from ELAN. Set it up same with the same database type as the previous text that I was working on. But now Toolbox is acting weird.

Would appreciate some help please.


ToolBox Support

Jun 21, 2022, 8:33:56 AM6/21/22
Hi, Jason,

I agree that this sounds really strange. I've not heard of this one before.

Let me ask a question that someone embarrassed me with... have you rebooted? (It solved the problem for me, but a different program.) Anyway, it's worth a try.

Assuming the problem is still there, can you send me your project? Or can we get together online?

Contact me at the Toolbox @ address.

Toolbox Support

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Tony Naden

Jun 21, 2022, 10:28:11 AM6/21/22
?? 'keyboard acting weird' element sounds like the problem you solved for me, some advanced setting in a minor component changing the device's language and keyboard settings.

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Help us today to remember the costs of war, to work for a better tomorrow;
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bring us all, in the end, to the peace of your presence;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

ToolBox Support

Jun 21, 2022, 4:14:10 PM6/21/22
I agree, Tony, that there could be multiple components here. And I appreciate the reminder about the keyboard. 

But the interlinear acting up when the word is clearly available in the dictionary -- this seems to be something more than the keyboard acting up. At least I think so. 🤔

Toolbox Support

Jason Lee

Jun 21, 2022, 10:30:17 PM6/21/22
to Shoebox/Toolbox Field Linguist's Toolbox
Further to yesterday's plea to this discussion group about my problems with Toolbox interlinearisation ...
A restart doesn't resolve the problem.
The problem seems to be with interlinearisation of individual lines or words. I.e., some words interlinearise without problems, others cause the hang. There doesn't seem to be differences in lexicon entries as to which words cause Toolbox to hang and which don't. I'm working around it by saving after interlinearising every line; and using Task Manager to end Toolbox when it hangs, reset permissions, restart Toolbox, etc... I'll keep on working and seeing which words cause hanging and which words don't...

ToolBox Support

Jun 21, 2022, 10:42:42 PM6/21/22

I don't know where you are but I'd like to help. I get onto Skype at all manner of odd hours. It is very helpful for me to actually SEE sometimes. What you're experiencing doesn't make any sense. I'm Skype KB9876


John R. Rennison

Jun 22, 2022, 6:40:05 AM6/22/22
to 'Jason Lee' via Shoebox/Toolbox Field Linguist's Toolbox
A couple of years ago I had some weird problems with interlinearising one of my databases, and it only cleared up after I completely deleted my interlinear setup and then set it up again. Since you only have 3 processes, that shouldn't take too much time. Also, before changing anything you can copy the part of your .TYP file from the line \+intprclst to the line \-intprclst to a separate text file and compare the results.

Your keyboard can also play tricks on you if you use automatic switching. To check for this you could try interlinearising with the cursor initially located in each of your fields, plus in an empty line of its own.

Good luck. I'll be interested to hear solution you finallyl come up with.


ToolBox Support

Jun 22, 2022, 5:46:29 PM6/22/22
Good thoughts, John. Thanks!

Toolbox Support

ToolBox Support

Jun 27, 2022, 12:09:49 PM6/27/22
Dear Group Members,

Many thanks to those of you who chimed in on this particular topic. Often your insightful comments have been very helpful. THis time, none of us got it for quite a while.

Alan (Toolbox programmer) finally figured it out!

We thought it strange that when we tried the data on our systems (both Win10 and Win11) that we got an ambiguity but that Jason's system appeared to hang up before that dialog box was presented. But, as it turns out, it was not before...

One of the things that Toolbox remembers from one session to the next is the position of the various windows. This is true of the windows with the Toolbox "desktop" and also true of the various dialog boxes which can be positioned in different locations. When working on a system with an extra monitor, Toolbox remembers that the main window (or a dialog box) is off at what it perceives is some distance away. This is also true when working on a system with a large screen and then moving to a laptop.

Early on this proved to be a problem when people would move from two screens to one and discover that when they ran Toolbox, the Toolbox window was positioned somewhere out in never-never land off their screen. So a command was added -- CTRL+SHIFT+B (Bring window in to screen.)

Suddenly Alan realized that the mystery hang could be the Ambiguity Box waiting for an answer -- but positioned somewhere out of sight. And, that while Toolbox was waiting, everything else would be greyed out! 

Jason tried the CTRL+SHIFT+B (before interlinearizing) and when he interlinearized, suddenly there was the Ambiguity Box!

Phew! 🎉

Toolbox Support

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