I need a Shibboleth Consultant

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Bret Schuhmacher

Mar 17, 2012, 3:05:18 PM3/17/12
to us...@shibboleth.net
Hello all,

I hope this request is OK on the list.  My company, Adobe Systems, has a J2EE-ish product we need to add ADFSv2/SSO to via Shibboleth.  Is there anyone on the list who is available for IMMEDIATE, short term contract work?  Please contact me directly.  

Apologies if this is inappropriate, but I couldn't think of a better place to find Shibboleth savvy people.

Best Regards,



Bret Schuhmacher | Solutions Architect | Adobe Systems | 423.228.2057 | bsch...@adobe.com

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