Swift Programming Course + Update

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life michael

Jan 30, 2016, 8:44:43 AM1/30/16
to life michael
Dear Friends, 

Swift Programming (Free Course!)
I want to invite you to the free Swift course I am currently running. 24 virtual meetings. If interested please join the community at https://plus.google.com/communities/106285129324311899169 

HTML5 Cross Platform Mobile Applications (Professional Course)
I want to update you about the most up-to-date FED course I am going to start its delivery next month on February 25th. The most advanced topics, including 30 academic hours dedicated for Angular2, 10 academic hours meetings dedicated for TypeScript, and coverage for many other advanced topics, such as ES6 and ES7. You can find the detailed plan at http://tinyurl.com/lifemichaelhtml5

Android Java Applications Development (Professional Course)
I want to update you about the most up-to-date Android Java Applications Development course I am going to start its delivery next on March 8th. Updated with Android 6, including Android Car, Andrid Wear and Android TV. You can find the detailed plan at http://tinyurl.com/lifemichaelandroid.  

Software Engineering in PHP (Professional Course)
It will start on June 15th. Extensive detailed preparation for taking the Zend Certification exam in PHP. CodeIgniter, Slim, RedBean PHP, Log4PHP and many other frameworks. You can find the detailed plan at http://tinyurl.com/lifemichaelphp.  

More info about each one of the three professional courses at tinyurl.com/lifemichaelhitcourses. Each one of them is 28 meetings, 140 academic hours and one meeting every week. The price for each one of these three courses is shekels 6700 only (discounts for HIT graduates/students). 

Sincerely yours,


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