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Fwd: URGENT REQUEST FOR SHELTER MATERIALS; small relocated camp in Cite Soleil

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Timo Luege

Jul 14, 2010, 12:23:32 AM7/14/10
to shelterhaiti2010
Shelter agencies - please take note.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Deepa Panchang <>
Date: 13 July 2010 20:54
Subject: URGENT REQUEST FOR SHELTER MATERIALS; small relocated camp in Cite Soleil

Please send this out to the Shelter Cluster list - Many thanks!

URGENT REQUEST FOR SHELTER MATERIALS; small relocated camp in Cite Soleil

The former residents of Camp Immaculee, who are currently relocating to a new plot called Michico, are urgently requesting help with shelter materials - specifically, tarp & wood, tents, or other materials.  Camp Immaculee residents had endured weeks of nighttime attacks by armed aggressors attempting to push the camp off the small public park where they were previously located.  In the last few days, residents resorted to sleeping on streets near the camp at night, during which time most of their housing materials were reported stolen.  Residents finally began relocating yesterday to the Michico camp with just a few torn and withered tarps, along with bedsheets and sticks.  The site has no tree cover or structures and is completely exposed to the sun and rain, so shelter is an immediate need.  During our visit to the camp today, residents had marked out spots for approximately thirty makeshift homes, with many more expected.   The camp is also in need of lighting and potable water.  We estimate up to 40-50 families may relocate to Michico.

If your organization may be able to help provide materials, please contact us (3905-6513).  We would be happy to visit the camp with your staff or direct you straight to it.   Camp committee members can also provide more information: Diela (3637-7464) or Rosemond Joseph (3619-8710). 

Please, act immediately.  The people of Camp Immaculee were not protected by anyone from violent attacks.  Now we can and must protect them from the rain, wind, and heat.  Thanks & looking forward to hearing from you,

Deepa Panchang
International Action Ties

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