Fwd: Stalled Projects/Land Issues

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Gerhard Tauscher, Shelter Cluster Coord.

Jun 15, 2010, 5:41:36 PM6/15/10
to Group, Shelter Logs
Dear All,
the Shelter Cluster like to get feed back from Agencies. In order to increase the pressure on the GoH we´ll like to know how many agencies do have a customs problem, for what project, and how it is affecting you.
Please fill the attached form and send to:  "Shelter Logs"   shelterhait...@gmail.com 

The sooner we have a comprehensive list of delayed projects to present to President Preval the sooner we can get more footing to advocate for reform and a quicker response to land issues.


It would be great if you could forward examples of stalled projects, the specific constraints, possible solutions and the impact of solutions—for example:

We´ll forward the consolidated information then to the Office of the Counselor.



Land Issue

Specific constraint

Potential solutions

Impact of solution

[Entity] has 11,000 transition shelters to build now but lacks land on which to build them

Inability to identify usable land plots

Lack of GOH or private owner permission to build

GOH grants permission to build on designated GOH land.  Diaspora or private owner donates/sells land with established land title.

Transition houses built for 11,000 families within 2-3 weeks 



We can preserve the anonymity of the NGO or govt agency if preferred.


Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

Gerhard Tauscher,
Shelter Cluster Coordinator
Port au Prince
+509 39006892

Samuel Kinge

Jun 16, 2010, 2:05:41 PM6/16/10
to shelterhait...@gmail.com, shelterh...@googlegroups.com, shelterhait...@gmail.com
Dear Gerrhard,
I thank you for your mail. We should discuss this in the next shelter cluster meeting. UMCOR is facing bottlenecks and needs the support of all cluster members. Better advocacy is the only way the Gov't will get the message.

--- shelterhait...@gmail.com wrote:
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