Fwd: Camp for Handicapped and Elderly in Need of Aid - Cite Soleil

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Gerhard Tauscher, Shelter Cluster Coord.

Jun 22, 2010, 11:38:56 AM6/22/10
to Group
Dear All,
the following request was forwarded to the Shelter Cluster.
Agencies able to assist please  make direct contact with International Action ties!
Gerhard Tauscher

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: International Action Ties <iata...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 11:42 PM
Subject: Camp for Handicapped and Elderly in Need of Aid - Cite Soleil
To: "powell.cindy" <powell...@gmail.com>, washhaiti <wash...@gmail.com>, "hial.urghaiti" <hial.u...@yahoo.fr>, interclusterhaiti <interclu...@gmail.com>, gcassini <gcas...@iom.int>, "relevement.pnud.haiti" <relevement...@gmail.com>, "gie.siauw" <gie....@undp.org>, "c.balfour-poole" <c.balfo...@savethechildren.org.uk>, "karen.barsamian" <karen.b...@wfp.org>, "etc.haiti" <etc....@wfp.org>, thierenm <thie...@wpro.who.int>, gencaphaiti <genca...@gmail.com>, pseahaiti <psea...@gmail.com>, shelterhaiti2010 <shelterh...@gmail.com>, cccmhaiti2010 <cccmha...@gmail.com>, foodcluster <foodc...@wfp.org>, haitinutritionim <haitinut...@gmail.com>, "shelterhaiti2010.NFI" <shelterhai...@gmail.com>, afleischer <aflei...@savechildren.org>, dburgess <dbur...@savechildren.org>, ncahaiti <ncah...@nca.no>, haiti <ha...@coopi.org>, watsan <wat...@brussels.msf.org>, dpatel <dpa...@oxfam.org.uk>, louisr <lou...@oxfam.qc.ca>, "jennifer.menetrez" <jennifer...@us.army.mil>, ckw4 <ck...@cdc.gov>, cccmhaiti <cccm...@iom.int>, "hai.clustersante" <hai.clus...@paho.org>, eboyd <eb...@unicef.org>, protectionhaiti <protect...@gmail.com>, majekodunmi-minustah <majekodunm...@un.org>, haiticpwg <hait...@gmail.com>, safarlina <safa...@gmail.com>, gbvschaiti <gbvsc...@gmail.com>, jshepherdbarron <jshephe...@unicef.org>, aollieuz <aoll...@unicef.org>, "cbmhaiti.advocacy1" <cbmhaiti....@gmail.com>, "benjamin.dard" <benjam...@hotmail.fr>, DaleB <Da...@wrcommission.org>, "hial.acdm" <hial...@yahoo.fr>, "hial.cdpcomhaiti" <hial.cdp...@yahoo.fr>

SO.HA.MO- Solidarité des Handicapées Moteurs
Camp for Handicapped and Elderly Persons, Cite Soleil (Michiko, located across from US Army installation)

364 residents and 108 households in the camp- infants, children, adults and elderly
40 handicapped heads of household
62 elderly heads of household
6 households are headed by volunteers that have organized the camp

  • Shelter (currently no tents and very few tarps)
  • Nutritional support
  • Drinking water (there is a salinated spring very near-by for bathing and washing water)
  • Toilets, shower facilities 
  • Health care- especially geriatric care and support for handicapped (including wheelchairs and crutches)
  • Clothing
Jean Kierson Biesson, 3754-20-79
Emmanuel Guis, 3805-34-35

Gerhard Tauscher,
Shelter Cluster Coordinator
Port au Prince
+509 39006892

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