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Shelter Haiti 2010

Sep 9, 2010, 1:00:12 PM9/9/10
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Dear CCCM/Shelter Cluster Members,
Given that the hurricane season is predicted to be stronger than normal and the humanitarian community’s proximity to extremely vulnerable populations, disaster risk reduction is an extremely important responsibility which we strongly encourage all organisations working in camps to undertake.

As such, CCCM and IOM, in cooperation with the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement and the Direction de la Protection Civile, have compiled a booklet which is designed to serve as a guide for organisations working in camps in their disaster risk reduction and preparation activities. Specifically, the booklet contains key messages on disaster risk reduction which were selected or modified to be practical for camp residents. It also contains recommendations on how to carry out sensibilisation campaigns in camps. A draft of this document which has been used for field testing (in English and Creole) is attached here; the final versions will be released next week (in English, French and Creole).

To assist partner organisations in their DRR activities, IOM will conduct half-day trainings for community mobilisation staff, animators, etc., from partner organisations who work most closely with camp residents. The trainings will be held at Logbase, beginning next week, specific dates and times TBA. It is extremely important that organisations express their interest in attending these trainings so that we can plan accordingly.

Also, please find attached a Google Earth map file which show the locations of IDP sites according to the CCCM DTM and two others which show flooding risk and landslide risk according to data from the DPC/ World Bank Multi-hazard assessment from earlier this year (this report can be downloaded here:

Please let either Sabina Carlson ( or Bradley Mellicker ( know if you are interested in attending the trainings, or if you have questions or comments.

With regards,

Bradley Mellicker
CCCM Emergency Preparedness Officer
Port-au-Prince, Haïti
+509 3702.7593
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Gerhard Tauscher
Coordinateur du Groupe Sectoriel de Logements/
Shelter Cluster Coordinator
Tel: 3900 6892
Mesaj kle pour seson siklonik nan - bouyon.pdf
Rapid risk reduction communications in camps v0 08092010.pdf
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