Farewell and new contact details

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Anne Maguire

Jul 8, 2010, 6:40:01 AM7/8/10
to ahas...@fonkose.org, al...@pih.org, cro...@fonkose.org, cyril.jea...@gmail.com, Fairf...@usa.redcross.org, eder...@yahoo.fr, damien....@plan-international.org, gpas...@pgalaw.org, Fiona....@digicelgroup.com, har...@gmail.com, ideur...@unicef.org, jay...@inbox.com, madge....@yahoo.com, Hugh Brennan, tta...@unicef.org, Terence....@plan-international.org, Simona....@gorta.org, rgi...@sogebank.com, Katie....@plan-international.org, roche...@gmail.com, washre...@gmail.com, shelterhait...@gmail.com, coordo.shelt...@gmail.com, shelterh...@googlegroups.com, patric...@scotiabank.com, lmorri...@unicef.org, john...@gmail.com, iomnrh...@iom.int, anne....@dfa.ie, awi...@haiti.chfinternational.org, liv...@pih.org, maarte...@digicelgroup.com, philippe...@banquescotia.com, reportingnfiht@iom-int, Simona....@gorta.org, victor...@smurfitkappa.com.do
Dear All,

As many of you already know I have left Haiti this week and have returned to Ireland to work at Haven's HQ in Dublin.
My replacement John Wain whom many of you will have already met can be contacted at john...@gmail.com and john...@havenpartnership.com mobile: +509 3702 1188

I would like to thank you all for the support, participation and advice since my arrival in January. It has been a great experience working with you all and I wish you all the best with efforts to support Haiti during the rest of your time here.

I have returned to Ireland to continue to work with Haven in Dublin and can be reached at the same email and numbers below.

Wishing you all the best


Anne Maguire
Operations Director
Mobile Haiti: +50937655642
website: www.havenpartnership.com

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