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motor age ad have you seen this one ?

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Phil Murphy

Jan 18, 2020, 7:44:53 PM1/18/20
to 1967 Shelby Research Group



Rich Plescia

Jan 19, 2020, 1:53:39 PM1/19/20
I don't recall seeing that before, but maybe Brian has.

The June 1970 date is surprising

Thanks for sharing this!

Brian Styles

Jan 28, 2020, 1:06:11 PM1/28/20
to 1967 Shelby Research Group
I have a scan of the photo.

Here's a link to all the photos we've collected from the California Beach shoot:

Like Rich, I have often wondered how this photo found it's way to the cover of Chilton's Motor/Age in June 1970, approximately 3 years after it was originally taken...

BTW, still hoping to find an original copy of the June 1970 Motor/Age publication as there might be additional clues contained within...


Jan 29, 2020, 10:18:44 AM1/29/20
to 1967 Shelby Research Group
Thanks for sharing the photo link. The 68 convertibles are one of my favorites. Just the other day Kieth and I were discussing the fact that most of the automotive advertisements from 60's and 70's included a sexy model somewhere in the photo. This is a good example of that. I'm fascinated when I looked at the couple in the background of the fourth photo, the guy is wearing the exact same bathing suite style that I once had. The white trim at the waist and bottom of the trunks was really "cool" back then, and everyone had to have that look. I'll start to key my eye peeled for Motor/age. Thanks, Denny   

Lowell Otter

Feb 4, 2020, 8:31:45 PM2/4/20
to 1967 Shelby Research Group
Hi all

With the assistance of Erin over at the Gilmore Car Museum in West Michigan - I can verify that there is an article inside the Motor Age magazine about preparing ones car for Winter.  There was a similar photo to the cover photo at the beginning of the article but no additional information or photos of the convertible.  The inside cover photo shows the license plate detail on the car - while the cover photo does not.  I hope this helps to answer a few questions and add to the research. 

Lowell Otter
Motor Age June 1970 Inside.jpg
Motor Age June 1970 Inside1.jpg

Brian Glover

Feb 5, 2020, 8:45:48 AM2/5/20
to 1967 Shelby Research Group

Are you sure that’s not you? I know you did a lot of modeling back in the day. That bathing suit is pretty distinct...
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