Well, firstly 3D Jake is a reliable seller, I'd not worry about that!
The Sidewinders have generally really fairly mixed reviews...
Conclusion.... It's a fairly good printer (in terms of reported print quality), but I would suggest it not being a particularly great first 3D Printer as it has a lot of issues you'd want to fix. I would suggest to not start with a large volume printer in the first place, particularly for a kid, as they're generally more problematic. Also not printing on glass from the start, buildTak is your friend here! Electrically it's bad and potentially unsafe. If there is a need for having a direct drive printer, there is probably a better (and almost certainly cheaper) alternative!
I would suggest you consider a Ender 3 for a good first printer.
Mine has literally gone for a few thousand hours now and is still
going strong without a lot of mods and upgrades (I replaced
buildTak as it wore out, replaced board as I broke it (but have
since repaired the original and is now my spare), updated
firmware, added OctoPrint & added a fan duct). And it printed
about 1000 pieces of PPE! They're also a lot cheaper!
If you want a large volume printer, (e.g. for cosplay or something), I'd suggest a Creality CR-10S or CR-10S Pro V2.
The issue with the above is that neither are direct drive. I've never really had a need for direct drive, it prints PLA with less retraction and is better at printing flexible filaments. But I have printed fairly stiff TPU on a Bowden extruder before now (these days I use an old Anet A8 clone (my first printer) for printing flexibles.
But yeh, seriously suggest NOT BUYING this printer!
You should really consider watching Tom's (he's a qualified
engineer of some form and knows what he's on about) review of the
printer, it's rather negative, but honest!...
PS - Another website I've used for buying printers which is fairly good and fairly cheap is box.co.uk (I am not associated with them in any way).
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