Compound keys question

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David Ayala

Feb 11, 2018, 12:54:43 AM2/11/18

Hi guys:


I’ve been using SharpRepository for the last year and a half, and before everything else, let me congratulate you guys for this fine piece of code.


I have a question about CompoundKey entities, is there a way to not use the RepositoryPrimaryKey

Attribute in my entity, and resolve by convetion.


I was reading your DefaultRepositoryConventions.GetPrimaryKeyName and the CompoundKeyRepositoryBase.GetPrimaryKeys,  and as far as I understand, the conventions method stops as soon as it finds the first property that meets the Id or EntityTypeName+ Id convention, and in the CompoundKeyRepositoryBase method, it only uses the RepositoryPrimaryKey attribute in order to find the primary key.


Would be possible to have a compound key convention kind of,  so that it allows me to have a “clean” and independent Business model. A Business model away for any kind of storage-like attributes.


I mean if I would like to distribute my model as nuget package, just as an example, I must add a reference to SharpRepository.Repository if I use the RepositoryPrimaryKey, therefore, my model would become coupled to your library.


I hope this question will make sense to you.


Best regards,



Omar Piani

Feb 12, 2018, 4:34:09 AM2/12/18
to SharpRepository
Answer is more or less no, depending the databases you are using behind.
For instance EF, that is the most common orm in c# does not support any convention for compound keys (

It will be great if we can add custom attributes at runtime but seems impossible
and I think that RepositoryPrimaryKey can't extend dynamically a repository.

If a driver/orm uses custom data annotations/attributes you need to write it in your model.

For EF you can use fluent api.. and that's outside SharpRepository.

Let me know if you find a more elegant solution.
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