3.0 Milestone issues

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Seif Attar

Jan 9, 2014, 6:31:57 PM1/9/14
to sharp-arc...@googlegroups.com
Me again,

The 3.0 milestone has a bunch of issues assigned:


As you can see, there was quite a lot planned, most of which will probably be moved to a later milestone. For 3.0 we will be keeping the issues to do with updating to MVC4 and WebApi and breaking changes.

Have a look through the issues and comment if you feel strongly about any or think you can help with it.

One thing I noticed while updating the cookbook is that the AdventureWorks has become complicated to setup and find the download for. https://github.com/sharparchitecture/Sharp-Architecture/issues/65 is about some new sample applications, and is a good candidate for someone to pick up.

Contribution guidelines are here:


And discussions are open.
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