[Home Grown Families] Tiffany is a #CrappyMom, too

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Melissa + Tiffany @ Home Grown Families

Sep 22, 2012, 2:39:37 PM9/22/12
to share...@googlegroups.com
Did you see Melissa's post 'Why I am a horrible mother'?  I was so inspired by her awfulness that I decided to write my own.

I'm a much worse mother...

  • Part of the reason I homeschool is so that my kids aren't socialized
  • I have no intentions of teaching my kids 'safe' sex.  We will only consider abstinance
  • I co-sleep with the baby and the twins share a room with us
  • The baby only has up to her 6 month vaccines {she's 3} and I am not having anymore done any time soon
  • I refused the vaccinations they wanted to do in the hospital when she was born, for both of us
  • I still believe that vaccines contributed to the twins Autism~ that's why the baby isn't getting any right now
  • I tell them to shut up.  'Be quiet' doesn't work so I use 'shut up'
  • If the baby had been a boy, she wouldn't have been circumcised 
  • I don't smack the twins
  • Church and church activities are not an option~ freedom of religion is not a right in my household
  • We don't have cable.  I believe it rots your brain but...
  • They watch way too much TV
  • We don't have birthday parties~ we celebrate as a family instead and go somewhere special.  We will have parties for 10, 13, 16 & 18
  • My girls will not date or have boyfriends until, at least, 16.  If I think they're not ready at 16, they will have to wait until 18
  • I have them convinced that they have to live with me until they're 30
  • I am a helicopter mom and make no excuses for it
  • I'm addicted to sugar and make no effort to hide it.  They eat too much candy
  • I throw away their toys {the ones they don't play with anymore} when they are sleeping
  • Freedom of expression int their dress is allowed as long as the clothes meet my expectations ie) shorts of a certain length, no 2 piece bathing suits, etc.  So sometimes they look ridiculous and I let them
  • I put them to bed at 8 PM and 'clock out' as their mother.  I just can't do it anymore by that time.
  • My children don't have the right to privacy.  My responsibility to protect them comes first.  Always.
  • Melissa thinks I'm too hard on my older girls but I don't care.  She thinks they're angels but my philosophy is "Why do you think they're so well behaved?"
  • My mom and I are planning a vacation for the Spring and I'm not consulting them.  They will come with us, but we will decide what we're doing.

I could really keep going but I have to stop at some point...

What about you?  Are you a crappy mom, too?  I'd love to hear some of the things you don't apologize for!

Posted By Melissa + Tiffany @ Home Grown Families to Home Grown Families at 9/22/2012 02:39:00 PM
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