[Home Grown Families] Why I am a horrible mother......... #crappymom

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Melissa + Tiffany @ Home Grown Families

Sep 21, 2012, 10:50:14 AM9/21/12
to share...@googlegroups.com

**Photo Thanks to Granola Babies**

It seems as women we have a hard time celebrating our strengths and differences as people. We like to harp and nit pick each other until we bleed. We think righteousness is a good quality......it's not. I remember being a new mother, feeling beat up about the choices I was making for my baby. And throughout motherhood I always thought we should be celebrating with each other the journey that comes with being a mother. The moments only another mother could understand and appreciate. Most mothers make decisions on the behalf of their children, because they have thought long and hard about each and every one of those decisions. Who are we to judge that? Yes, I may be opinionated and maybe sometimes I do cast a stone but that is something I am working on. Thank goodness we have a merciful God. 

I recently came across a great meme started by Life with Levi after some attacks on circumcision. I knew I had to join in the crappy mom list. 

So these kids.........

They have one crappy mom. There I said it. I have even made a list about all the crappy things I do for these kids.....

I kiss them, hug them, and tell them I love them multiple times a day. 

I co-sleep...some of them. Some nights I want to push them off the bed. 

I breastfed all of them. 

I cry everyday about my milk drying up. 10 months is way to early to wean.

I read tons of books and articles on parenting and all the decisions a mother could make. 

I disinfected everything with my first few kids....the fourth eats off the floor sometimes.

We went Vegetarian a few months ago. Half my kids won't ever get to "experience" a cheeseburger. 

I circumcised both boys. I didn't ever research it. Had the girls been boys....they would have been intact. I have regrets. 

I spank my kids sometimes...probably not enough. I yell too.

I used cloth diapers with my middle children, but just too busy with my new baby. 

My kids rear face forever. My daughter is 3 and still rear facing. 

I have no time schedules on sleeping. They go to sleep sometime before 11 and wake up whenever they want. 

I waste at least an hour a day cuddling on the couch with them. 

I homeschool them. Some days we do no school work. We call it a mental break. 

I take them to the Dr for every sniffle, and I am a nurse. 

I cook one meal for dinner.....They don't like it they don't eat. 

My oldest sometimes orders soda for a drink at restaurants. 

I swear in front of my kids sometimes. They have never repeated it. I have regrets. 

I have not printed a single photo off my camera since 2007. 

I do have a baby book for all 4 kids, and try to update them regularly. 

I make my baby food(they start at 7-9 mths) for the kids because I want them to avoid preservatives, hormones, and antibiotics but sometimes they eat Cheetos. 

My kids have told me to "just breathe Mommy" when I have had a panic attack. 

They look real dorky in their helmets- and tell me that every time they ride their bikes, scooters, or anything that moves. 

I vaccinate on my schedule- and have palpitations every time they get a shot. I am not afraid to say I won't get the chicken pox vaccine because it has some aborted fetus in it. 

I blog~ share every moment of their lives with the entire world. 

I used crib bumpers after my oldest got his leg stuck in the bars. It took butter to get it out.

I medicated my son for ADHD. You can read about the struggle. 

I think Graffitti is cool- and let my kids admire it and even tag things here and there. 

I babywear everywhere. No wonder she cries when I put her down. 

I let my kids jump off rocks, and anything else high. My son calls it "bouldering". 

I buy them whatever they want. I am sure they have no concept of money. 

I let the boys listen to underground rap with my husband. They breakdance. 

I tell them they look dorky if they do. I make them look nice when we go somewhere. Self expression is moderated. 

I have wasted an entire day on the computer. 

I have never cut their hair. 

I pray with them before every meal and at every bedtime. 

Most of the kids only bathe twice a week. The baby takes a bath in the kitchen sink some days. I let playing in the hose count as a bath. I never shower alone- my 3 yr old thinks its "our" shower time. 

I lay awake at night wondering if I did right by them that day. I pray for guidance because Lord knows they didn't some with an instruction manual. 

I love them more than words could ever express, more than I could have ever imagined loving someone. I couldn't imagine living a single day without them. 

So for every one thing I do wrong, and do 3 things right. If that makes me a crappy mom- than so be it. 


*Check out the linky at Life with Levi for more people letting it all out. 

Posted By Melissa + Tiffany @ Home Grown Families to Home Grown Families at 9/21/2012 10:50:00 AM
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