[Home Grown Families] Like Father Like Son.....Family time with #ShaunWhiteSupplyCo #CBIAS

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Melissa + Tiffany @ Home Grown Families

Sep 24, 2012, 1:57:19 PM9/24/12
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#ShaunWhiteSupplyCo, skateboarding, shaun white, collective bias

From the time I first heard the words "It's a Boy", I knew my son would be a skateboarder. My husband had skated his whole life and was determined to have a little protegee. You know, someone he could live vicariously through as he ages and becomes unable to board like he used too. Someone he could teach all his tricks too- lucky for him he got 2 boys!! The girls are off limits. 

The boys(Dad included) get out often hitting the local parks and skateparks for some shredding action!! It's their time together, and I love watching them connect over something they all love(plus it's a workout)! When I saw the new Shaun White Supply Co skateboards, I knew my 7 yr old would love them as he is a huge Shaun White fan. My husband on the other hand, tends to be quite critical of board quality and graphics. I was worried he would not be able to break his loyalty to older brands. So we headed out for the "inspection". 

#ShaunWhiteSupplyCo, skateboarding, shaun white, collective bias

My boys headed full force to the Shaun White pallet that rocked Rasta colors and cool boards. My son dismantled the pallet, lining up all the skateboards for close inspection. The new Thrash series had the brightest colors and detailed graphics. They surely passed the graphic test, and moms price test at just $39.99!!

#ShaunWhiteSupplyCo, skateboarding, shaun white, collective bias

The pallet only had 3 boards so after they studied the trucks and wheels, and talked all that boy talk I can't understand we moved on to compare to other boards Walmart had to offer. They continued with their field test, spotted some cool safety gear, picked out a new helmet(He insisted on matching brands for his board and helmet), and got the go ahead approval from Dad to buy a new Shaun White board. I even overheard my husband talking with his friends later that night, about how Walmart is stepping up their game for good skateboards. 

#ShaunWhiteSupplyCo, skateboarding, shaun white, collective bias

With his new board in hand, we hit the park to scratch it up. After multiple spills, I was glad we invested in a new helmet. Now all we needed was water~it was terribly hot and sweaty! 

#ShaunWhiteSupplyCo, skateboarding, shaun white, collective bias

But he kept on skating.............wanting to practice new tricks to do at home when my husband had his board too! My husband worked with him on footing and new tricks, and enjoyed the time together

#ShaunWhiteSupplyCo, skateboarding, shaun white, collective bias

He of course insisted on showing his skills to you in his own little review. Hmmmm future vlogger? 


Tired out, hot and sweaty, and with a full day of exercise in we headed home. I was impressed by how the Shaun White board stood up to the brutal skating of a 7 yr old(and a 30 yr old when he stole his board to get a few tricks in). 

#ShaunWhiteSupplyCo, skateboarding, shaun white, collective bias

A quick meal revived their energy, and together they skated some more. Our old board had bad trucks, so over the last few months they haven't been skating as much. We are all happy to have a new board for family time. Although I will never step foot for fear of breaking something, I enjoy watching them connect. 

#ShaunWhiteSupplyCo, skateboarding, shaun white, collective bias

They even sneaked in some talking time. 

#ShaunWhiteSupplyCo, skateboarding, shaun white, collective bias

Shop Shaun White Supply Co, and check out their new Thrash Series and other lines. Great gift for the upcoming holidays, and doubles as the perfect family fun activity. 

You can find Shaun White on Twitter and Facebook talking tricks and cool products! * They have a deck a day giveaway there too** For laughs and how too- subscribe to Shaun White on Youtube. Look for the Shaun White Thrash Series boards in the Walmart 10/28 ad!!

 I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Shaun White Supply Co #CBias #SocialFabric

Posted By Melissa + Tiffany @ Home Grown Families to Home Grown Families at 9/24/2012 01:57:00 PM
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