[Home Grown Families] Family Fun Night #MarvelAvengersWMT style with an evil monkey and #CBias

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Melissa + Tiffany @ Home Grown Families

Sep 24, 2012, 1:56:21 AM9/24/12
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The Avengers are coming!  That's right, tomorrow, Tuesday September 24, 2012, The Avengers will be on Blu-Ray and DVD!  Are you ready?!

The Avengers is the buzz topic around here.  I remember the first time The Avengers movie was introduced to the public after the credits of Iron Man.  I saw Iron Man while on a date and he had heard that there was something after the credits so we waited.  

Come on now, you KNOW it's going to be a good time when Samuel L. Jackson gets involved.
When The Avengers finally hit theaters, my father, who has not been to a movie in 5+ years, went to see it 3 times!  Like all boys men, he couldn't get enough of the action, explosions and one liners.  The previews must have been amazing because he searched them out on YouTube and was so excited for its release.

After one of the showings, I swear he told me that Iron Man died.  Well, this was devastating news to me because, of all the superheros, he is my favorite; I'm sure you understand what I'm saying.  So, for weeks I've been in mourning the death of the best looking Millionaire turned hero ever.

A week or so ago, we looked up the IMBd on The Avengers 2.  Information is lacking at this point, but there will be one!  Anyway, I made the comment that I wonder how they were going to bring Iron Man back to life.  My Dad answered "What?  Why would they need to bring him back to life?  He's not dead."
Me: You told me that Iron Man was killed in the first movie.
My Dad: No I didn't.
Me: Yes you did!  You told me that was what started the whole 'thing.'
My Dad: No I didn't!  Why would they kill Iron Man?
Me: I don't know Dad!  I haven't seen the movie, yet!

As you can tell, this could have went on forever.  I am, obviously, relieved that Iron Man is not dead but I still think my Dad told me he was.  Of course, my Dad swears that I'm just crazy...
Needless to say, I can't wait to finally get to see The Avengers!  I'm so excited that, soon, WalMart is going to do a Blu-Ray/DVD release with the Marvel's The Avengers Blu-ray combo pack gift set!  I love that I will be able to run to my local store after the kids are in bed, grab it and be home in the time it would take me to get the kids in the car!  And, there is a bonus!  When you buy at WalMart, your combo pack includes an exclusive graphic novel!

The novel is over 100 pages of full color action!
A hidden foe manipulates the fledgling Avengers from the shadows, meticulously sowing the seeds of discord and mistrust- and causing the new teammates to question the very ties that bind them together as they hunt for the fugitive Hulk.  Thor- a shape shifting alien with a secret agenda?  Captain America- a hoax?  Iron Man- an enemy conspirator?  Their confidence in each other shattered, will the heros destroy one another before the conspirator is revealed?  Only the smartest among them will see through the deception, and it's not who you think!
Rated T+, The Avengers Season One graphic novel promises to be an action packed story!

To celebrate the release of The Avengers DVD tomorrow, we headed to WalMart to find everything we needed to host a Family Fun Night, Avengers style!

Even though it's not yet Halloween, one of the first things we noticed was the Christmas decorations!
Mugsy made me take a picture of her in front of all of them!  She is so excited for Christmas this year!  She was kinda' into it last year but I think she'll be fully into it this year!

One of the first Avengers toys Mugsy just had to have was the Hulk Gamma Green Slam Fists.

Then she wanted another big, green toy, too.

Sorry, honey.  My girls won't be driving until they're in their 20's.  Notice her shoes, though.  They're Avenger shoes she conned her Grammy into buying her this Summer.  They're her favorite shoes and she wears them with everything~ even fancy church dresses.  

When you run to WalMart to get your copy of the Avengers, don't forget to swing by the food section and grab a Marketplace pizza!  They're so good!
To see all the Avengers toys and clothes we bought, check out our Google + album for pictures of the entire day!

After our trip, it was time to get ready for our Avengers themed Family Fun Night!  Since my girls are so social, I let them invite the neighborhood kids because I knew it would mean a lot to them.  And really, family is what you make it.

The guests all loved getting their very own Avengers cup to take with them and I loved how sturdy the plates were!  There was no spilling or dumping at this party!  Everyone loved the Marketplace pizzas and playing with the Avengers toys.  But, their favorite part was being an Avenger!

During the party, we were ATTACKED by an evil monkey!  Who could save us but my very own Avengers?  

The poor monkey!  He was nice at one point but I made him mean!  I didn't think my Avengers would like attacking a nice monkey but, hey, he did have candy!  They might have done it anyway!  Avengers love candy!  {Before and after pics of the transformation from good to evil!}

He proved to be a very worth adversary, though as it took 3 rounds to knock him out!  We finally had to take him down using hand to hand combat!

We {the parents} had to get physical after awhile but it ended well.  The kids had a blast and even us adults had fun getting the monkey to give up the candy!

Don't forget to award your Avengers by making Avengers Dessert Cups!   Just layer Iron Man Red, Captain America Blue, and Hulk Green Jell-O between layer of Cool Whip and serve!  It's the perfect fuel for your crime fighters!

Then, after all the neighborhood kids went home, we cuddled on the couch and watched a movie.  It didn't take long before all 3 kids were sound asleep, dreaming of being a Superhero. 

In less than 24 hours, we are going to own The Avengers and you can, too!  Just head to your local WalMart or order now online!

Follow Marvel on their site, FB and Twitter!

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Marvel. #MarvelAvengersWMT #CBias #SocialFabric

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Posted By Melissa + Tiffany @ Home Grown Families to Home Grown Families at 9/24/2012 01:56:00 AM
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