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ShapeLogic v 1.0 released, first beta quality release

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Mar 5, 2008, 1:48:38 AM3/5/08
to ShapeLogic
ShapeLogic v 1.0 released


* Migrate rule databases for image processing. Previously they are
implemented as goal driven tasks with sub tasks. Version 1.0 uses the
lazy streams that is simpler and more powerful.
* Letter match example now matches all polygons instead of just the
* When running ShapeLogic as ImageJ plugin, make it easy to define
rules for matching in external Java file.
* New number matcher to demonstrate how to define rules for matching
in external Java file.
* Enabled use of Java 6 Scripting for rule database, this should give
the user access to the 25 scripting languages that are supported
* Get ShapeLogic into beta stage
* Add many unit tests for Lazy Stream library
* Fix bugs in Lazy Stream library
* Fix bugs for the letter X

-Sami Badawi
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