Shambles Newsletters Update March 2013

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Mar 6, 2013, 10:45:12 AM3/6/13
It's a long time since I sent out a notification to the Shambles Newsletter mailing list.

The purpose of this one is to firstly remind you that I'm no longer producing the termly newsletters but that the "What's New on Shambles" replacement curation site is well and truly alive and proving to be popular and certainly less time consuming on my side.

If you'd like to follow this topic go over to and "Follow" the topic.

Secondly ...

I'd be grateful if you could spread the word (especially to careers/counselling colleagues and students) about these upcoming virtual student fairs designed to help international students who are applying for entrance to USA Colleges (Universities) in 2013.
They are free and online with the opportunity to win one of several scholarships available.
Register before the event at

For Asia Students : 9th March 2013    ... this coming Saturday
For Middle East and Africa Students : 23 March 2013
For Latin America Students : 27 April 2013.

... and while I'm here ... since last year I've been curating resources for these students and families on a scoopIT at

I appreciate this can be a stressful time for students planning to move to the USA and for their families ... I hope these resources can help make that move a little less daunting.

Many thanks

[chris smith]

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