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Have you been "reengineered"?

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Valter Moreno Jr.

Jun 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/28/97

** Apologies for cross-posting. **
** Please excuse-me if this message does not concern you. **


I am developing a research on the impact of BPR and similar processes on our work lives. This investigation is part of a broader project to critically analyze reengineering techniques and their consequences to individuals and organizations. I would be very thankful if you could help me in this project by sparing some minutes to participate in a short interview process.

I have urgency to interview 10 persons who had experienced (or are
experiencing) reengineering or similar processes. In the present stage
of my research, my interest is mostly in those who were "submitted" to
such reorganization procedures, rather than in those who were
responsible for implementing the reengineering process. The questions I
am going to formulate focus on the individual's personal experience with
reengineering process, i.e., on how he or she has "lived" the process.
The specificities of the reengineering techniques will not be
addressed. Therefore, there are no restrictions concerning the position
of the person in his or her organization, or his or her knowledge about

The interview can be done by e-mail, in a chat-room, by telephone, or
even face-to-face, depending on the interviewee's preference and his or
her location. The interview consists of only four or five open-ended
questions, requiring a small investment of time from the interviewee.
Additional questions may be asked as needed to clarify some point in the
previous answers. The interviewees are totally free to interrupt the
interview at any time.

All information given by interviewees is completely confidential. Names,
dates, companies and departments, places, etc., won't be included in the
final report. Parts of the document related to an individual will be
submitted to him or her to allow the verification of the accuracy of the
information there included. The interviewees will have total power to
vet the diffusion of any information they had provided.

All interviewees are going to receive copies of my final report
regarding people's experiences with reengineering. The present
investigation is part of a broader research project, which includes a
critical socio-historical analysis of reengineering in its diverse
forms, since the emergence of its basic idea in Michael Hammer's paper
in 1990. The roots of this idea, the conditions that allow it to emerge,
and its consequences are examined in my work. The final report of this
larger investigation will be also available to interviewees.

I would greatly appreciate your help to complete my research. If you
have experienced reengineering processes, if your life has been affected
by reengineering projects, please take part in the interview process. If
you know anybody who could be interviewed too, please send me his or her
data so that I can contact him or her. Any help will be inestimable!

Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours,

Valter Moreno, Jr.
Ph.D. Student and Research Assistant
Computer and Information Systems Department
The University of Michigan Business School


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