Building in-memory

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Mar 27, 2020, 3:13:40 PM3/27/20
to Shake build system

I want to build an in-memory data-structure that tracks changes in
source files (think of something like an LSP server that tracks
changes in source code, builds some kind of data-structure and can then
answer questions about it). My current approach has shake writing the
data processed from a source file to a target file; when the program
is invoked it reads all target files, joins the data (they have a
Monoid instance), and returns something.

I want to make the program work like a server instead (so that I forgo
all the needless I/O), with shake being called to update an in-memory
data-structure. I can write empty target files to satisfy shake if
needed, and thought of using the State monad to modify the in-memory
data-structure; but I'm struggling with something related to; couldn't shake's (the
function) signature be |Monoid a => ShakeOptions -> Rules a -> IO a|?
But I guess what I really want to know is the best way to do what I
want (i.e., using shake to update an in-memory datastructure)… Should
I be using IORef or …?

thank you,

-- bruno

Neil Mitchell

Mar 31, 2020, 5:05:55 PM3/31/20
to, Shake build system
Hi Bruno,

The Ghcide project does something quite similar to what you are describing - see There's also a presentation and video me of talking about how it works, including some details on Shake:

You probably want to use the Database module and specify `/dev/null` as the shakeFiles field - with that, you can stop doing all IO. Using shakeRunDatabase you pass in a set of Action a -> IO a, which should be what you need. The idea is that your rules are fixed, but the actions vary, which is why its not Rules a -> IO a.

Let me know if those things are what you were looking for.

Thanks, Neil

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