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The eyes are the windows to your soul!

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Mar 9, 2009, 4:32:29 PM3/9/09
to shabazz
I often think about you Shabazz... and the pain is still there. The
pain of losing a love one that had so much soul to bear.

I just wrote to your brother in an e-mail sayin that family is all we
But a part of mine was taken away the night you got shot.

I know you weren't the sentimental type but I always knew how much you
You soul often spoke to me even when you were silent; you would give a
weird stare....

I often wondered what you were thinking about why was your mind so
Every time I look at pictures of your eyes I begin to weep.

The eyes are the windows to our souls and often times God would allow
me to see yours; it was a connection that I had with you that was
different from anyone else I knew.
As I try to fight back the tears I thank God for the good times, the
crazy shit we did! I love you and I know that you love me too.
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