Sup Bro!

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Jul 12, 2009, 2:10:06 PM7/12/09
to shabazz
You know we never used to do the B-day thing but I remembered it was
your B day. I always remembered you and Akbar were back to back... Of
course mommy and Daddy are in there too. I was checking out the pics
on the site and there were a few I hadn't seen before. We all miss
you and will ALWAYS think of you! I could really use your help right
now. I know you were in that mortgage co. for a while talking to
banks. If you were still around I know you would probably be working
with the banks on the short sales and we could really rack up. I know
we would have been close. I am sorry I left NY and we never really
got to know each other as adults as much. I see your adult pics and
if anyone thought you were handsome as a teenager you blew em out the
box as a man! Mandela has/is also growing into his Man face too.
Same thing with him but I think the experience of loosing you over a
stupid girl has taught him to deal with girls with a long handled
spoon. He's very careful not to get attached or let anyone lead him
down the wrong path. That can be a good thing and a bad thing I

I love you BaZz... Thinking about you at least once per week because
your pic STAYS in my purse...

Your big/lil sis

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