SGV-AI Meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at Du Pars

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Braddock Gaskill

Oct 1, 2018, 3:28:15 PM10/1/18
to Sgvlug, SGV AI
Hi folks,
A reminder that the San Gabriel Valley Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning group will be meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) night at Du Pars at 7pm (in the Barrymore Room).

Meeting details and RSVP are on meetup at:

In addition to socializing and (optional) food, Shang-Lin will present "AI In the News", and I will give a short talk about a Morse code decoding neural network pet project of mine using Keras, Tensorflow and TensorFlow.js (Yes, TF in Javascript!).  Our Open Mic policy will grant time to anyone who wishes to talk, ask questions, or share.


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