release 0.7.0

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Filippo Pacini

Nov 5, 2007, 5:38:30 PM11/5/07
to sgte - discussion
Hi all,
I've released a new version of sgte. Thanks to Sean Hinde for his
This release contains some major improvements (documented below) and in
some cases there might be incompatibilities with older versions. If you
get into problems change all the calls to sgte:render in sgte:render_str
and everything should work as it did in previous versions. I'm sorry for
the problems.

The new version can be downloaded here as always:

Changes from 0.5 version to 0.6 (this were yet undocumented):
- add support for nested proplists as data
An example:
1> {ok, T} = sgte:compile("$$").
2> sgte:render(T, [{foo, [{bar, "a string"}]}]).
"a string"
This should ease handling of complex data structures.

- add API: sgte:rec_to_name_kv/2 and sgte:rec_to_kv/2
The main use meant for the two is this:
Suppose you have a record
-record(person, {name, age}).
P = #person{name="filippo", age=35}.
sgte:rec_to_name_kv(Person, record_info(fields, person)).
{person, [{name, "filippo"},{age, 35}]}
And you can access the values as $$ and $person.age$
using rec_to_kv would return instead [{name, "filippo"}, {age, 35}]
and you can choose the atom you prefer to reer to the data.
In the future I'll probably try to add parse_transforms as an
alternative to the two calls.

- add sgte_dict to manage that. This is basically a wrapper around dict

- switch to eunit for unit testing

Changes from 0.6 to 0.7:
- Sean Hinde modified the parser to store the compiled template in
binary format instead of strings. He also removed sme calls in
sgte_render to lists:flatten.
With these two changes now sgte_render returns a deep list of binaries
and strings. Yaws can manage this without problem. Other users might get
into problems so I added two new API call:
render_str/2 and render_str/3: works as render worked previously
returning a string
render_bin/2 and render_bin/3: return a list of binaries
- other minor changes to run sgte in erlhive

As you see there have been a lot of changes and probably there'll be
bugs to fix. You report them here or on the issue tracker:

Best regards,

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