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Flat owners: Read this

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May 11, 2002, 11:05:17 AM5/11/02
Are you aware that the 5-year HDB Fire Insurance (the one that is made
compulsory by HDB) covers only the cost of reinstating the damaged internal
areas built by HDB? It does not include your own property such as
renovations, home contents, personal belongings and third party liability

For $60 per year, you get the following plus a free first aid kit worth $24.

Summary of coverage:

1. Household Contents Up to: $100'000
2. Theft: Up
to: $25'000
3. Alternative Accommodation: Up to: $10'000
4. Personal/Family 3rd party Liability: Up to: $200'000
5. Worldwide personal accident: Up to: $10'000 each

Be Covered for Fire, Theft and Other Unforeseen Circumstances
Imagine the financial strain you'll have to go through to repair or replace
your renovations, home contents and personal belongings if your home was
suddenly struck by fire. While reinstating your flat, you may also need to
arrange for alternative accommodation. In addition, you may be legally
liable for any bodily injury or property damage to your neighbour's home.
With the Enhanced Public Housing Contents Insurance, protection even extends
beyond fire. You'll be covered for damages or losses due to a robbery or
break-in. You and your spouse will also be covered for accidental death for
S$10,000 each on a 24-hour, worldwide basis.
This 5-year Enhanced Public Housing Contents Insurance policy is
transferable if you moved to another HDB apartment. Refundable if you move
to private property.

For enquiries, call 98 524 523 (Koh) or send an email to
to request for an official application form

Policy underwritten by AIG (World's largest general insurer)

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