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Youth hockey is back

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Tom Brown

Mar 31, 2022, 5:27:33 PM3/31/22
to, San Francisco Underwater Hockey google group,, Holland Y. Ja, Jakub Kalousek
My dear Sea Lion youth and parents,

Apologies for my prolonged silence. We've been battered by storm after storm for two years. I've procrastinated writing to you because I couldn't find any good news. In the past weeks we've finally found some favorable winds.

Friday youth hockey resumes at MLK Jr Pool 6-8pm on April 8! All youth who can pass the swim test are welcome. If you have some time to help us clean up gear before then please let Holland and I know.

While providing a fun healthy free community program was a large part of what motivated the coaches to volunteer our time, the city is now charging us for pool time. Atlantis Sports is covering this cost for now. Longer term we may ask you to advocate for us to the city and may need to charge participants.

Some of the best coaches in the world are coming to a youth clinic in Denver on August 12-14. There is new energy for youth teams in the USA and we want to take about eight of you to learn and meet other players. Mark your calendar and look for more info about registration and scholarships.

The San Francisco adult players have been practicing on Wednesday evenings, 6-8pm. Advanced youth are welcome to join and take advantage of the full time student 50% discount.

I suspect most of you heard through other conversations that the San Francisco underwater hockey community lost two stalwart adult members in 2021, Gustavo Pesce and Jason Zvanut. Gus' enthusiasm, energy and smarts were critical to the formation of our local youth team and Team USA competing at the world level. Jason created and taught a hockey curriculum so he could play at the College of Marin. Both were friends of mine since I moved here in 2005, through lots of good times and some tough times. I'm not sure what else to write about their lives and deaths, there's so many stories of the past. One thing I am sure of is that Gus and Jason want us to keep playing. So dust off your gear and get ready to give a strong shout of "Sticks up! Go!" and three cheers.

See you at the bottom soon!

Tom Brown

Apr 4, 2022, 2:27:14 PM4/4/22
to, San Francisco Underwater Hockey google group,, Holland Y. Ja, Jakub Kalousek
Here's a flyer with a link to information about the youth clinic in Denver on August 12-14. Take a look or go straight to

I've also updated Please let me know if you notice anything amiss and spread the word to all children who love to play in the water.
Flyer - 2022 Youth & Coach Clinic.pdf
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