Looking for 400k Events

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Noah Swartz

6.06.2023 г., 11:28:206.06.23 г.
до SF Randonneurs
PBP fever is in the air, and I just finished my 4th 600k of the season! Which got me thinking that I might be in a good position to knock out 4 SR series this year, despite so far having only ridden two 200s and 300s, and a single 400.
Luckily the upcoming SF Brevet Week rides, and Adventure series should get me to four each of 200 & 300, but I'll be missing King's Ridge due to riding the Humbolt EP1K ride the same weekend. 
Looking at the calendars for local clubs, I don't see any 400s scheduled for later in the year. Does anyone have advice on where I might be able to find one (or 3??) 400ks to ride later in the year?

Greg Merritt

6.06.2023 г., 11:30:266.06.23 г.
до swar...@gmail.com,SF Randonneurs
Noah, have you tried here?


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Noah Swartz

6.06.2023 г., 11:42:276.06.23 г.
до Greg Merritt,SF Randonneurs
I had not - thanks Greg!

Eric Larsen

6.06.2023 г., 11:43:156.06.23 г.
до greg.m...@gmail.com,swar...@gmail.com,SF Randonneurs
Humboldt Randonneurs have two upcoming 400K's: June 17th Forks of Salmon 400 a figure-8 loop out of Etna, CA and June 24th Brookings 400 out-and-back from Arcata 

Eric Larsen
RAB Humboldt Randonneurs

Colin Moy

6.06.2023 г., 11:44:366.06.23 г.
до swar...@gmail.com,Greg Merritt,SF Randonneurs
SFR 400 Centenary on July 22. Two choices to pick your suffer level. I plan to do one.

Sent from my iPad

On Jun 6, 2023, at 8:42 AM, Noah Swartz <swar...@gmail.com> wrote:

Charlie Martin

6.06.2023 г., 13:33:476.06.23 г.
до moyb...@gmail.com,swar...@gmail.com,Greg Merritt,SF Randonneurs
Noah, I love the enthusiasm. In case you're eyeing the Ultra Randonneur award, note that it allows both (1) foreign brevets and (2) substitutions of longer brevets for shorter. If you're doing PBP and EP1K, those can substitute for a couple of your 400's right there. The upcoming 1200 in Colorado would work as well and you'd get some extra grand randonnée experience to boot. Lots of options in case you feel limited specifically by the availability of *400 km* rides.

The tool Greg shared is super useful. Jake Kassen also provides a very useful tool for finding nearby rides. It's linked off that same page, but it's easy to overlook. http://rusa.jkassen.org/geosearch/

- Charlie


6.06.2023 г., 13:57:026.06.23 г.
до San Francisco Randonneurs
This link can be used to show all future 400K ACP Brevets in the RUSA calendar: https://rusa.org/cgi-bin/eventsearch_PF.pl?type=ACPB&dist=400&future=1&sortby=date

The search query can be customized:
dist= 200, 400, 600, 1000
future= 0 (include past), 1 (future events only)
type=ACPB (for ACP Brevets), RM (for 1200+ km)


Rob Hawks

6.06.2023 г., 14:06:546.06.23 г.
до charlie....@gmail.com,moyb...@gmail.com,swar...@gmail.com,Greg Merritt,SF Randonneurs
The Orr Springs 600, held on August 5th also qualifies for the R10000 (8K meters of elevation gain in 600km, or 8K600) along with the July 15th 600 held by CO: Boulder. There will be others of those this year but as of now they haven't had routes approved.


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