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Santa Rosa Randos Reg Form is live

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Mar 12, 2024, 7:42:19 PM3/12/24
to San Francisco Randonneurs
Greetings Bay Area neighbors!

The Santa Rosa RBA has finally emerged from hibernating, and activated the registration form so that thosed of you who are interested in riding the nearly-world-famous HBUH this weekend can do so!

Please note that we are running our 200k brevets on Sundays this year, in part so that many of our community who work to serve us (including, but not limited to, bicycle shop mechanics) can also take part in our very fun events.

Calendar and sign-up can be found here:

NB: the HBUH is not to be trifled with. If you have not yet attempted it, please consult fellow randos; there is a considerable amount of climbing.
The positive side of this feature is that you get to ride up Mountain House Rd in the prime of spring bloom!

Bon courage, y'all

ryan thompson
Santa Rosa Randonneurs RBA

ken jessett

Mar 13, 2024, 10:49:10 AM3/13/24
to San Francisco Randonneurs
I'm only  going to say this once, but those of you who have the very great pleasure of living and riding in the spectacular and epic scenery of the middle section of the California coastal area should start each day with a prayer of gratitude and humility to your extremely good fortune in residing in what is clearly God's country.

Ken J.
RUSA # 3759

Greg Merritt

Mar 13, 2024, 7:54:31 PM3/13/24
to San Francisco Randonneurs
NB: the HBUH is not to be trifled with. If you have not yet attempted it, please consult fellow randos; there is a considerable amount of climbing.

This may technically be true, but the RBA can provide (and has provided, as in 2018) a finish control button to rectify that:


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