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Volunteers needed for 4/13 - 4/14 SFR events

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Takahiro Noguchi

Apr 3, 2024, 1:58:10 PM4/3/24
to San Francisco Randonneurs
Just wanted to reach out to let folks know that we're still looking for volunteers for next weekend’s upcoming SFR events. 

We'll be running the Hopland 400k (13th); Russian River 200k, and Sleepy Hollow Populaire (14th). 😅  Many slots are still available, including the populaire picnic. You can sign up at the form below:

If you have any questions about what any of the roles entail (like responsibilities, or schedule) please feel free to reach out to me.

Thank You,


Greg Merritt

Apr 4, 2024, 12:28:24 PM4/4/24
to San Francisco Randonneurs
Tak, are these finish control slots on the form meant to span times Saturday evening & overnight into Sunday morning (400k finish control) as well as Sunday afternoon & evening for Populaire & 200k finish controls?

Maybe you could describe the days/times for which you're seeking volunteers, and how those map to the form? E.g. "Last" for the 400k on Sunday morning is very different from "Last" for the 200k Sunday evening, etc.




Rob Hawks

Apr 4, 2024, 12:32:57 PM4/4/24
to, San Francisco Randonneurs
Greg, et al,

No. Those times in what you copied relate only to the 400km. The note above the section you listed indicates that for the Event Coordinator role only, that selection covers both events. Just below the section you copied is the volunteer signup for the Sunday events.

There is no overlap between volunteer slots on the 400km and the next day's 200/100 except for the event volunteer coordinator (which has  been taken by Tak).


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Rob Hawks

Apr 4, 2024, 12:58:44 PM4/4/24
to Greg Merritt, San Francisco Randonneurs
to be fair to you Greg, most of our weekend series of events have only one sign up block. This one is different because we can't get slots that cover both the 400k and the 200/100 events, even if we ran the 200 and 100 the same day.


On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 9:44 AM Greg Merritt <> wrote:
Whoops! Indeed.

Apologies for the confusion, all! That'll teach me to write anything before even the first cup of tea is finished.

Thanks, Rob!


Greg Merritt

Apr 4, 2024, 8:36:46 PM4/4/24
to Rob Hawks, San Francisco Randonneurs
Whoops! Indeed.

Apologies for the confusion, all! That'll teach me to write anything before even the first cup of tea is finished.

Thanks, Rob!


On Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 9:32 AM Rob Hawks <> wrote:

Takahiro Noguchi

Apr 5, 2024, 12:37:46 PM4/5/24
to San Francisco Randonneurs
Thanks for the clarification Rob. And also, we still have many opportunities to volunteer for next weekend's events!

In addition to the late night finish control shifts for the 400k (the most fun that I have ever had at a finish control is at one of these 🎉 — ask me about the electric unicycle gang we encountered), we still need a DORC for Sunday's, events which you can do from the comfort of your home.

Also need finish control volunteers at Crissy Field for Sunday's events, and someone to help with the populaire picnic. 

Rob Hawks

Apr 5, 2024, 12:45:50 PM4/5/24
to, San Francisco Randonneurs
I've taken my name off the roster for the 400km because I'm not counting on our getting enough volunteers, so I'll plug what holes are left. Who knows, maybe I can ride on Sunday.

Looking ahead to the Mendocino Coast weekend, I've taken my name off the roster for the 600km as well. I will only be returning to town 3 days before the event and will likely plug holes in the volunteer roster then too.


Angela N

Apr 8, 2024, 12:08:10 PM4/8/24
to San Francisco Randonneurs
Hi all, 
We are still 13 volunteers short for the events on this coming weekend. If you have time or flexibility please consider helping out. The rides are not possible without the support from the whole rando community, not just a select few.
Would be wonderful if we can get Rob back on the roster.


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