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Hitler ei halunnut sotaa

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Dec 2, 2013, 11:47:55 AM12/2/13
Rauno Viljanen wrote:
> 20.10.2013 12:14, kirjoitti:
>> Mutta semanttisesti TJT lienee oikeassa: Hitler kyll� toivosi ja
>> halusi etteiv�t muut l�htisi sotaan kun h�n hy�kk�si Puolaan...
> Oikein! Hitler ei todellakaan tahtonut vastarintaa, raukka kun oli.

Ei vaan j�rkev�.

> Viimeisen� p�iv�n� Hitlerin kovuus n�htiin. Kun ei ollutkaan
> armeijoita j�ljell�. Moni pelastautui luikkimalla pois Saksasta ja
> yksinkertaisesti lopettamalla sota.

En ole viel� p��ssyt kirjassa noin pitk�lle, olen vasta PDF:n sivulla 419,
jossa Hitler murehtii RH:n tempausta
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Since February Ribbentrop had seriously flirted with the notion of winning
over France to collaboration - the French should place their fleet at
the Axis disposal for the fight against Britain, and concede bases to
in French Africa. Hitler, however, remained sceptical and cool toward
Darlan. A break for tea was taken at five-thirty, but Hewel noticed that the
F�hrer's mind was elsewhere. Small wonder, Hitler's mind was on Hess.
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> Hitler ei ei voinut eik� pannutkaan vastaan. Hitler, sattumakorppi,
> ei mit��n sotilaallista osaamista, ei ollut kiinnostunut huonoista

Hitlerill� oli todella loistava sotilaallinen osaaminen, t�m� on osoitettu
jo kirjan alkuluvuissa, esim.
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The war years saw Hitler as a powerful and relentless military commander,
the inspiration behind great victories like the Battle of France in
May 1940 and the Battle of Kharkov in May 1942; even Marshal Zhukov
later privately admitted that Hitler's summer 1941 strategy - rather than
the general staff's frontal assault on Moscow - was unquestionably right
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> uutisista, vaan niiden piti olla hyvi� uutisia jotta Hitler olisi
> voinut juhlia. Esimerkiksi saksalaiset suunnittelivat ja rakensivat
> suurtykin joka huokui kuolemaa. Hitler halusi katsella elokuvaa,
> kuinka se kanuuna kylvi kuolemaa ymp�rilleen, vaikka se tykki oli jo
> ajat sitten sammunut.

Kirjassa ei ole ainakaan viel� tullut vastaan tuollaista mainintaa, sen
sijaan mainitaan mm.
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His geographical ambitions remained unchanged. He had no ambitions
against Britain or her Empire at all, and all the captured records solidly
bear this out. He had certainly built the wrong air force and the wrong navy
for a sustained campaign against the British Isles; and subtle indications,
like his instructions to Fritz Todt (page 21) to erect huge monuments on
the Reich's western frontiers, suggest that for Hitler these frontiers were
of a lasting nature
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Siis edelleenkin fakta, ett� Hitler ei halunnut sotaa brittien kanssa, eik�
erityisemmin Ranskan kanssa, eik� halunnut miehitt�� Norjaa jne, mutta ne
sotahullut britit jne.

> Yleens� huonot uutiset kiinnostavat sodanjohtoa eniten, ne kun
> kertovat sodan todellisen tilanteen. Ammuttavaksi Hitler sellaisten
> uutisten levitt�j�t toimitti, vaikka juuri huonot uutiset auttavat
> sodanjohtoa paikkaamaan rintamaa sielt� miss� rintama on heikko.

Kirjassa on ihan p�invastaisia esimerkkej�.

> Miss� oli syy t�h�n kaikkeen:
> Hitlerin is�ss� tietenkin. H�n kasvatti poikaansa pedoksi onnistuen
> siin�. Selk��n tuli joka ilta asiasta ja ei asiasta. Poika ei usein
> edes tiennyt. miksi h�nt� hakattiin. Se kasvatti pojasta, Adolfista
> mielisairaan petoel�imen. Eik� joutunut edes tilille teoistaan.

Kasvattiko my�s WC:n is� pojastaan mielisairaan petoel�imen, vai miten
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the Duke of Windsor suspected in
July 1940 that the war was continuing solely in order to allow certain
statesmen (he meant Mr. Churchill and his friends) to save face, even if
it meant dragging their country and Empire into financial ruin.
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The wiretaps indicated that Churchill was promising Masaryk that Chamberlain
would be overthrown by that afternoon,
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He had announced that he did not intend to
drop his guard since, in democracies, statesmen who worked sincerely for
peace could always be replaced overnight by warmongers: 'It only needs
Mr. Duff Cooper or Mr. Eden or Mr. Churchill to come to power in place
of Chamberlain, and you can be quite sure that their aim would be to start
a new world war. They make no bones about it, they admit it quite openly.'
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A torrent of dispatches
from Moscow and Helsinki revealed that armistice talks had begun. London
began frantic attempts to keep the Finnish war alive a few more days.
Winston Churchill flew in person to Paris on the eleventh to inform the
French government that his expeditionary force was to sail for Narvik on
March 15. At 3:30 P.M. on the twelfth Hitler's Forschungsamt intercepted
an urgent telephone call from the Finnish envoy in Paris to his foreign
in Helsinki, reporting that Churchill and Daladier had promised him
that if the Finns would appeal for help at once, British and French troops
would land in Norway.
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Jne, kirjassa on esimerkkej� brittien sotarikoksista ym.

The only thing that appears to be evolving is 'evolution,' and it's becoming
more and more absurd.

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