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AnttiHx PdeG Suonio lopulllinen Treblinka osa 002

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Sep 15, 2021, 2:22:44 AM9/15/21
Ensimmäisessä osassa siis tuli jopa 7200 ruumista per juna, ja kävimme läpi
väitetyn kaasutustusprosessin (jonka yhteydessä tosin muzeum jätti kaikki
oleelliset asiat kertomatta, esim millä kaasulla ne kaasutettiin...) joten
nyt hävitetään väitettyjä ruumiita.
x x x clip prosessi x x x
Burning of corpses

The cremation of the corpses did not begin until February 1943, directly
after Himmler’s visit. Herbert Floss came up with the idea of constructing
grates from railway tracks. Brushwood was placed under the rails, which was
poured with petrol. In this way, not only the freshest corpses were burned,
but also those taken out of the graves by an excavator.

Additional grates were built, so that up to 12,000 corpses could be burned
at the same time. Clouds of smoke were visible from a distance of many
kilometres. By the end of July 1943, about 700,000 corpses were burned on
x x x clop prosessi x x x

Kovin lyhyt kuvaus. Toisin kuin revisionistin analyysi
The Case of Brushwood That Was Not Available

Otan tuosta vain muutaman samplen, ensin johdanto:
z z z
Exterminationists offer a wide variety of means by which millions of human
cadavers, victims of the so-called Holocaust, are said to have been
disposed, ranging from stationary or portable crematoria to pyre burning,
but the version currently offered by the Treblinka Museum on their website
is perhaps the most ludicrous of them all. The museum claims that 800,000
alleged victims were burned on grates made of rails, with brushwood as the
source of energy. The brushwood necessary to fuel those pyres was allegedly
collected in nearby forests, or was simply somehow miraculously available in
sufficient quantities during the first half of 1943, when the claimed
Treblinka victims are said to have been cremated. In this paper, the authors
attempt to describe this operation, with strong emphasis on the logistics
z z z

Ja ekan laskelman lopputulos
z z z
Therefore, to transport the brushwood needed, 200,000 truckloads of it would
have to have been transported into the camp.
z z z

Ja artikkelin kirjoittajan omaa sukuhistoriaa
z z z
The following account is to a large extent based on the history of my family
on my mother's side. She spent her childhood years in a village 50 km (30
miles) to the southast of Treblinka. I spent many vacations there, during
which I chopped up stumpwood my grandmother needed for her kitchen stove. My
mother told us that the forests at that time (1980s) were much different
than those of her childhood years (1950s), and consequently also the forests
of today. The striking characteristic of present-day forests is that they
are “littered” with brushwood due to the fact that Polish households no
longer gather this inefficient fuel, as they did in rural war-time Poland.
Back then, it was unthinkable to find a piece of brushwood, she said. Nearby
forests were picked “clean”, that is, they were totally devoid of any
brushwood. Brushwood was constantly gathered by locals and used as fuel for
cooking and heating. Forays into the forest to pick up brushwood were
routine, and no piece of brushwood was overlooked. Besides, forests were
used for grazing cattle, so clearing the forest of brushwood, thus allowing
grass to grow, was beneficial for grazing
z z z

Ja johtopäätös
z z z
it is possible to compute the necessary number of trips by the camp’s motor
pool required. It would have been 200,000 round trips of 20 km one-way,
covering a total of some 8 million km (some 5 million miles). With an
average fuel consumption of 15 liters per 100 km per truck, the whole
operation would have consumed 1.2 million liters (317 thousand gallons) of
liquid fuel, likely diesel.
z z z
Ja kysymys: Eikö olisi ollut halvempaa, yksinkertaisempaa ja tehokkaampaa
käyttää se dieseli suoraan niiden väitettyjen ruumiiden polttamiseen?? Ja
toinen: Missä on dokumentit noista sadoista litroista?? Gerlachin kirjassa
(tai jossain P de G:n suosittelemassa) muistaakseni kerrotaan, kuinka joku
upseeri kerjäsi muutamaa kanisteria...

Ja lisää matematiikkaa
z z z
We are expected to believe (and/or, barred under penalty of law from
disputing) that the corpses were burned on a grate made of rails. Due to
lack of reliable exterminationist data, let's assume that the rails were 1 m
above ground. This leaves a space of 1 m beneath them for depositing
brushwood. Experience with large-scale outdoor carcass cremations during
livestock epidemics has shown that pyres are most-efficiently operated with
one layer of carcasses on top of a layer of fuel, where a packing density
equivalent of eight to ten corpses per running meter is reasonable,[14]
meaning that up to 300 human bodies would fit on a grate that is claimed to
have been 30 m long.[15] Ignoring children and being generous, let’s assume
that the average adult human body back then was 165 cm tall (1⅔ m). This
results in a space underneath each body of merely (1.65 ÷ 10 =) 0.165 cubic
meters, which sufficed only for depositing some (80 kg × 0.165 =) 13.2
kilograms of brushwood per corpse. By dividing the 400 kg of brushwood
necessary to burn a corpse by 13.2 kg of one “load” of brushwood, we come to
the conclusion that it would have been necessary to refill brushwood beneath
the rails of a burning pyre roughly 30 times for every single cremation of
300 corpses, meaning that it would have been necessary to continually add
fuel until these corpses were burned completely.
z z z

Ja asbestikin mainitaan
z z z
Since that work would have had to be done continuously, it would have been
necessary for the workers fueling the fire to wear heat-protection gear,
such as asbestos suits. Never mind that such high-tech suits were invented
only in the 1930s and were certainly not made available to some Jewish slave
laborers in rural Poland during the war. Such gear is never mentioned by any
witness. Hence, these workers would have burned to the crisp within the
first hour of their work.
z z z

Mutta hypätään suoraan loppuun, johtopäätöksiin
z z z
Too Many Impossibilities Make the Whole Thing Impossible

Such an accumulation of impossibilities is not worth exploring any further.
First of all, rather than being abundant, there was basically no brushwood
available in the regional forests. Second, at wartime when petroleum-based
fuels were very scarce and strictly rationed, a camp in such a remote
location could not have obtained gasoline or Diesel fuel in the quantities
needed – 1.2 million liters (317 thousand gallons) over half a year of
cremation activity – in order to collect and transport the required
brushwood, which in itself is a ludicrously inefficient fuel for cremations.
The reasonable solution would have been to employ, within the radius of some
20-30 km from the camp, all locals with their horse-drawn carts to gather
and transport all the brushwood accessible – even with remuneration – but
exterminationists don't report any such thing.

Next, the claimed stacking height of the pyres is impossible, and it would
have been physically impossible to fuel it at the pace needed with the
necessary brushwood. Such a huge logistical operation to bring the needed
brushwood into the camp, which is said to have gone on for half a year,
would have created a sensation in the whole region, but exterminationists
don't report any such thing. Besides, winters were quite snowy in those
times as a rule, meaning that the brushwood was to be scavenged from under
the snow from February to March, and trucks were to be driven along
snow-covered forests roads, and then during the spring melt on muddy roads –
one gigantic mess.

Further speculations are futile.
z z z

AnttiHx ja Pekka de Groot, miten vastaatte?? (ei, vastaukseksi ei kelpaa
lapsellinen vinkuminen "Minne ne meni?") Tuossa on, IMBO, osoitettu täysin
selvästi, että väitetty massarmurhaprosessi ei toimi ollenkaan VAIKKA
UNOHTAISIMME MOOTTORIKYSYMYKSEN. Joka toki sekin pitäisi muistaa, koska Yad
Vashem ja muut auktoriteetit sanovat "Diesel", eikä P de G ole kyennyt muuta
kuin copypastaamaan "sydänystäviensä" törkyblogista niitä älyttömiä "kuulin
kaverilta että joku sääti seosta sytytysennakkoa muuttamalla" sössötyksiä,
joka ilmeisesti selittää miksi autoinsinööri Suonio ei kommentoi näitä
asioita ollenkaan.



Oct 25, 2021, 4:29:05 PM10/25/21


Oct 31, 2021, 3:35:39 PM10/31/21
TJT2 kirjoitti 25/10/2021 klo 23.25:

> AnttiHx ja Pekka de Groot, miten vastaatte?? (ei, vastaukseksi ei kelpaa
> lapsellinen vinkuminen "Minne ne meni?") Tuossa on, IMBO, osoitettu täysin
> selvästi, että väitetty massarmurhaprosessi ei toimi ollenkaan VAIKKA
> UNOHTAISIMME MOOTTORIKYSYMYKSEN. Joka toki sekin pitäisi muistaa, koska Yad
> Vashem ja muut auktoriteetit sanovat "Diesel", eikä P de G ole kyennyt
> muuta
> kuin copypastaamaan "sydänystäviensä" törkyblogista niitä älyttömiä "kuulin
> kaverilta että joku sääti seosta sytytysennakkoa muuttamalla" sössötyksiä,
> joka ilmeisesti selittää miksi autoinsinööri Suonio ei kommentoi näitä
> asioita ollenkaan.

Kaikki näiden "teknisten yksityiskohtien" käsittely on täysin turhaa jos
ei ole mitään todisteita että jokseenkin kaikki Treblinkaan tuoduista
lähti sieltä elävinä pois.
Jos he eivät lähteneet sieltä pois niin jotenkin heidät tapettiin ja
ruumiinsa poltettiin.
Teikäläisten laskelmissa on siitä syystä pakostakin useita
perustavanlaatuisia virheitä (arviot ruumiiden painosta, koosta,
tarvittavan polttoaineen määrästä jne).


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