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Murer ja Polocaustin valemurhaleiri

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Oct 14, 2021, 10:14:10 PM10/14/21
Telkkarista tuli joskus elokuva Murer, katsoin äskettäin digiboxilta.
Kerrankin onnellinen loppu, oikeus ei uskonut juutalaisten valheita, vaan
vapautti Murerin. Ja elokuva perustuu tositapahtumiin tuon oikeudenkäynnin
Simon Wiesenthal managed to get him prosecuted again in 1963.[7] The trial
that took place in Graz, Austria, lasted for a week and ended with the
acquittal of Murer.[6] The trial was the subject of the 2018 film Murer -
Anatomie eines Prozesses (Murer - Anatomy of a Trial).[8]

Sen sijaan en pikaisella etsimisellä onnistunut löytämään revisionistien
artikkelia Murerista, mutta löysin juutalaisten artikkelin jonka mukaan
wikipediassa on valehdeltu 15 vuoden ajan massamurhaleiristä, jota ei
oikeasti ollut ollemassa (ei liity suoraan Mureriin, eri leiri, eri valtio,
mutta samaa holocaustiahan nämä kaikki...)

The Fake Nazi Death Camp: Wikipedia's Longest Hoax, Exposed

For over 15 years, false claims that thousands of Poles were gassed to death
in Warsaw were presented as fact. Haaretz reveals they are just the tip of
an iceberg of a widespread Holocaust distortion operation by Polish

"The first gassing there took place on October 17, 1943, killing at least
150 Poles caught in a street roundup and about 20 Belgian Jews .. Bodies
were either cremated in crematoriums or open-air pyres (including at a
former sports stadium) or simply buried under collapsed buildings during the
systematic demolition of the former ghetto .. [Some estimates] place the
number of the camp's victims well above 212,000, mainly Poles and several
thousand of non-Polish."

This dry description of the systematic murder of ethnic Poles by Nazi forces
during World War II was taken from the English-language Wikipedia article
for the "Warsaw concentration camp," also known as Konzentrationslager
Warschau. The site where the camp stood is an object of pilgrimage for some
in Poland, who hold periodic ceremonies on what they believe is hallowed
ground. They come to honor the memory of thousands of Poles murdered in a
gas chamber located near the Warsaw West (Warszawa Zachodnia) train
station - which still exists - and have even erected monuments and plaques
in their memory.

There's just one problem: No such death camp ever existed. There is no
historical evidence of German gas chambers ever existing in Warsaw, and
nowhere near 200,000 people died in the cluster of Nazi internment centers
that did stand at the basis of the myth of KL Warschau.

"It's fake history," says Prof. Havi Dreifuss, a Tel Aviv University
historian and Yad Vashem's expert on Poland and the Holocaust, when asked
about gas chambers in Warsaw. Other Holocaust historians share her
unequivocal position: "It's a conspiracy theory," says Prof. Jan Grabowski,
a Polish-Canadian historian from the University of Ottawa, when asked about
the legend behind the death toll. Yet both claims appeared, almost without
interruption, for 15 years on the English-language version of Wikipedia in
what is said to be Wikipedia's longest-standing hoax.

Since the Wikipedia article on the "Warsaw concentration camp" was opened in
August 2004, and until it was completely rewritten this past August, it
falsely claimed that there was an extermination camp in the Polish capital.
The article was translated into a dozen languages, and false bits of
information from it permeated other Wikipedia entries on related subjects,
gaining over half a million views in English alone. For example, bogus
details on alleged prisoner numbers and the death toll found their way to
central articles on the Holocaust on Wikipedia. These include "Nazi crimes
against the Polish nation" and even the entry "Extermination camp," where KL
Warschau was listed alongside camps like Auschwitz and Majdanek for over 12
x x
How to fake a death camp
x x
So how is it possible that a fake death camp managed to infiltrate even the
English encyclopedia, famous for weeding out conspiracy theories?

One explanation is that though there was no death camp in Warsaw called KL
Warschau, there was certainly a concentration camp with that name. The false
facts that comprise the death camp hoax - the existence of gas chambers and
the 200,000 death toll - managed to survive in Wikipedia because they were
inextricably intertwined with real historical facts regarding the Warsaw
concentration camp.
x x
Thus, there was nothing suspicious about the fact that a Polish editor
opened an article for the "Warsaw concentration camp." However, since its
initial writing and until it was fixed, earlier this year, the article
included false information detailing the existence of an extermination camp
in Warsaw.
For example, the first version of the article claimed that per "various
estimates, some 200,000 people were killed there by the Germans during the
x x
The manner by which this myth was preserved by hitching a ride on the
Wikipedia article about a real camp reflects the nature of this new bid to
rewrite Polish history. Written by Halibutt, the username of the late
Krzysztof Machocki, who was a well-known Wikipedia editor as well as also
the spokesperson for the Polish branch of Wikimedia, the article also
claimed that "the files of the camp were burnt [and] the railway tunnel in
which the prisoners were gassed to death [were] blown up" - which
purportedly explains why so little is known about it.
x x
There is some debate over the actual death toll at KL Warschau (anywhere
between 4,000 and 20,000).
x x
The centerpiece of the hoax - the one that supported the 200,000 claim - was
the supposed existence of gas chambers in Warsaw during the war to
systematically kill Poles. An early version of the Warsaw concentration camp
article claimed that, the "SS, Wehrmacht and police rounded up [Gentile]
civilians... Many of those caught were first transferred to the KL Warschau
complex. Among those grouped in Warsaw, the majority was either shot to
death or gassed in a provisional gas chamber situated in a railway tunnel
near the Warszawa Zachodnia train station."

"Ah, yes, the tunnel that is a gas chamber," laughs Grabowski, "This is of
course a joke," since a 500-meter long tunnel can hardly serve as a sealed
gas chamber.
x x Miksei voisi?? x x
"The argument was first developed in the 1970s," Davies wrote, "when Maria
Trzcinska, a judge who served on the communist government's Main Commission
for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland, alleged that ... the road
tunnel on Jozef Bem Street that runs under the railway line near Warsaw West
station had been converted into a giant gas chamber."

"If it could be proved that the Germans had built a gas chamber for the
purpose of exterminating non-Jewish Poles, this would undermine the status
of the Holocaust as a crime of unique proportions," Davies went on.
x x huomatkaan sana Polocaust tuossa alla ja juutalaisen motiivi tuossa yllä
x x

For many years, the Wikipedia article for the camp claimed that "between
1942 and 1944, there were about 400 victim roundups in Warsaw daily, with
the detainees first being transferred to KL Warschau." The number 400 was
based on a single uncorroborated eyewitness quoted by Trzcinska, but was
used by Polocaust proponents on Wikipedia as part of a speculative
calculation: 400 deaths a day times the number of days the camp was in
operation, amounts to well over 200,000 dead.
x x
Even though the IPN had already debunked her claims, they were
misrepresented on Wikipedia to be said to support her theory that a
"considerable amount of Zyklon B was found there."
x x
These kinds of claims and calculations "allow the Poles to say, 'not only
you Jews were murdered with gas," explains Havi Dreifuss. "But the truth is
that Jews and Poles were unequal victims. Poles were victims of a horrible
ethnic cleansing, but that was not the systematic annihilation that the Jews
x x
Since the rise of the Polish Law and Justice party's right-wing government
in Poland in 2005, this type of Polocaust revisionism has emerged from the
shadows to become the law of the land.
x x
A famous example of Polish violence against Jews is the July 1941 pogrom at
Radzilow. There, local Poles rounded up hundreds of their Jewish neighbors,
barricaded them in a barn and set it on fire. However, the article Tylman
wrote, with the help of some IPN sources, claimed that these Jews were in
fact killed by Nazi Einsatzgruppen paramilitary forces. The error persisted
in English on Wikipedia for over a decade. The same edit also indirectly
denied the most notorious case of Polish violence against Jews - the
massacre at Jedwabne, also in July 1941.
x x siis puolalaiset massamurhasivat ja syyttivät viattomia E-gruppeja!! x x

Wikipedia's Holocaust Law
x x
Within thousands of lines of text in which the sides debate death tolls and
sources in Polish, his editorial crusade is documented on the back pages of
Wikipedia, those dark corners of the online encyclopedia known only to the
heaviest of contributors
x x
Though Icewhiz has earned a bad reputation on Wikipedia, due to his
combative personal style and aggressively pro-Israel position, his claims of
an encyclopedic conspiracy are not unfounded: In 2009, WikiLeaks (which is
not connected to Wikipedia) released a batch of emails revealing the
existence of a group of Wikipedia editors from Eastern European nations
x x
Piotrus, who agreed to speak with Haaretz, denied Icewhiz's allegations of a
group effort. In an email, he suggested that Russia may be behind the EEML
leak and made the misleading claim that all the Polish editors active on
Wikipedia at the time were banned as part of the case.
x x
He says the Poles on Wikipedia benefit from an unholy alliance with editors
affiliated with the American left - people who are sensitive to claims of
victimhood and reluctant to call out anti-Semitism. It is exactly these
kinds of claims that have turned many in the Wikipedia community against
Icewhiz. For example, a Twitter account allegedly set up by the Israeli to
counter the distribution of revised Wikipedia articles online recently got
him banned.
x x
The only editor to respond to a request for comment was Piotrus, whose real
name is Piotr Konieczny. Though Konieczny, who is a sociologist at Hanyang
University, in South Korea, said that, "to some degree. there is a grain of
truth" in Icewhiz's claims, he vehemently denied the existence of a
Wikipedia conspiracy. He argued that though he does not support the false
narrative regarding the existence of a death camp at KL Warschau, he does
not think it constitutes a "hoax" - but rather a "fringe theory."

In a detailed response to the claims presented in this story, Konieczny said
that any errors that existed in Wikipedia on topics related to Poland and
the Holocaust were "minuscule and hardly widespread," and the result of the
fact that this was a "controversial" topic on which there is some
disagreement between academics. For example, he said that the issue of
Holocaust rescue was "under-researched" by Jewish and Israeli scholars and
institutes like Yad Vashem, which he compared to the IPN.
x x x

Mitä sanoo P de G ja AnttiHx ja muut holocaustiuskovat?? Vai pitääkö taas
kirjoittaa pointit auki kun ette muuten ymmärrä edes niitä? Ja mitäs Kaj
Stenberg sanoo kun nyt "linkin lähteenä" on juutalainen valtamedia??

Oi että kun olen ruvennut enemmän ja enemmän inhoamaan/vieroksumaan koko
sanaa "mutaatio". Jos tämän sanan saisi kitkettyä pois..
- Kaj Stenberg, 19.11.19, s.k.e

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