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Fwd: Concession volunteer at Oracle Park during Giants Game

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Tessalou Valera

Jul 4, 2024, 3:34:49 PM7/4/24
to San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club
New service opportunity!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Augusto Valera Jr. <>
Date: Thu, Jul 4, 2024 at 10:58 AM
Subject: Concession volunteer at Oracle Park during Giants Game
To: August Valera <>, LJ <>, Lion Annabelle Abala-Bacani <>, Lion Bud Feria <>, Lion Luisa Valera <>, Lion Tess Lynch <>, Nessy <>, Paul Caoili <>, Tessalou Valera <>

Dear Lions,
We need 1-2 volunteers to help as concession volunteers at Oracle Park during Giants Games. The fund collected for working as volunteers will be used for our club’s membership dues. If you are interested kindly email Lion Gary Mingle at ahead if the scheduled dates.
The following are the dates: 07/12,07/13,07/13,0726/0727/0728
If you have non-lion friend, it is ok as long as two individuals is our club’s quota at this time.
PDG Dr Jun
Sent from my iPhone.

Tessalou Valera

Jul 8, 2024, 11:50:33 PM7/8/24
to San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club
Hi Lions, 

Just got an update from Lion Gary Mingle who said that the ticket sales for the ballpark this weekend are very low, so they are not planning to open the concession stand this weekend - so no more need for volunteers this weekend (7/13-14). He will update us if anything changes. Thanks for your understanding.


Lion Tessalou Valera

2nd Vice President | Marketing Chair | 650-296-9570

San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club

We Serve | District 4-C4 |

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