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Diabetes Walk on 4/22 - T-shirt Orders Due Today!

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Lion August

Apr 11, 2023, 5:12:11 PM4/11/23
to SF Fil-Am LC
Fellow Lions,

If you would like to order a t-shirt for our Diabetes Walk on 4/22 we discussed at our last meeting, the deadline to do so is today, Monday April 11, 2023 (payment may be received after, but we are ordering the shirts today).

The walk is free and open to the public, you do not need a t-shirt to participate, but proceeds from the t-shirt fundraiser will go towards a good cause, so I do encourage donating the $25 and buying one to wear at the event.

The link to register (for free) as well as order a t-shirt is found below. If you have already submitted your name to Pres. Liz/myself to volunteer, you may still register so you are listed as a participant, but it is not required to do so.

Registration form:

Thank you for your support of our Region Project.


Lion August Valera


Region 1, Zone 2   //   +1-616-284-1018

Lions District 4-C4 //

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