FB Livestream Tonight: Partners Against Pediatric Cancer

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Tessalou Valera

Oct 30, 2023, 9:56:18 PM10/30/23
to San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club
Hi Lions, 

Lion August and PDG Dr. Jun Valera will be on Facebook Live tonight at 8:30PM PDT to showcase the launch of Partners Against Pediatric Cancers in Manila, Philippines. If you are interested in watching the livestream, you can find the event here: https://fb.me/e/6lXyqAtGi



Leo-Lion Tessalou Valera

Secretary | Marketing Chair

tessalouvalera@gmail.com | 650-296-9570

San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club

We Serve | District 4-C4 | SFFilAmLions.org

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