SF Fil-Am Lions Meeting Agenda 06/07/2023

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Augusto Valera Jr. (via Google Docs)

Jun 6, 2023, 9:36:48 AM6/6/23
to sffila...@googlegroups.com, liona...@icloud.com, augusto...@va.gov
Augusto Valera Jr. attached a document
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Augusto Valera Jr. (lifes...@gmail.com) has attached the following document:
Club Meeting Agenda for 06/07/2023 meeting.
SF Fil-Am Lions Meeting Agenda 06/07/2023
Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
You have received this email because lifes...@gmail.com shared a document with you from Google Docs.
SF Fil-Am Lions Meeting Agenda 06/07/2023.pdf

Lion August

Jun 7, 2023, 11:00:40 AM6/7/23
to sffila...@googlegroups.com
Fellow Lions,

A PDF attachment of the upcoming agenda was sent out without my Treasurer's report. Since I am not able to edit the agenda anymore, please find my Treasurer's report for June 7, 2023 below:

OPENING BALANCE 2023-05-01    $ 8,111.26 =  $ 3,705.21 CHARITY   + $ 4,406.05 ADMIN 
Daly City Church of the Nazarene: Reissue #2120 #2123 2128 $ (60.00)  CHARITABLE
Lions District 4-C4 Convention: PIS 2126 $ (45.00)  CHARITABLE
Daly City Church of the Nazarene: Donation 2023-05 2127 $ (30.00)  CHARITABLE
CLOSING BALANCE 2023-06-01     $ 7,976.26 = $ 3,570.21 CHARITY  + $ 4,406.05 ADMIN
PAY-005-006 Ferdinand Feria #1098 $ 160.00 
PAY-007 PDG Jocelyn Mina #1946 $ 90.00 
PAY-009 Helen Carter #429 $ 135.00 
PAY-014 Ester Leonor #430 $ 135.00 
PAY-015-016 Mario Panoringan #1915 $ 160.00 
PAY-023 Shirley Dimapilis #2816 $ 90.00 
PAY-024 Lene Martinez #2282 $ 90.00 
PAY-003 August Valera Z#69266258 $ 70.00 
PAY-004 Hernani Reyes Z#69266259 $ 90.00 
PAY-008 Liz Yulo C#71149143 $ 100.00 
CRD-002;PAY-008,010 Liz Yulo: Dues Overpayment 2129 $ (40.00)
CRD-001 Dr. Jun Valera: LCI Dues 2023-05 $ (45.75)
CRD-003 August Valera: LCI Dues 2023-06 $ (22.46)

As a reminder, dues for the upcoming LY2023 (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2204) are due within the next ~3 weeks. Please find your invoice emailed to you from trea...@sffilamlions.org, and send your payment as soon as possible. Contact me for any questions or assistance.

Visit our website at http://SFFilAmLions.org
Also, check us out on Facebook at http://facebook.SFFilAmLions.org
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Lion August Valera

Treasurer (2022-2023)

LionA...@icloud.com | 616-284-1018

San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club

We Serve | District 4-C4 | SFFilAmLions.org

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Tessalou Valera

Jun 8, 2023, 11:00:32 AM6/8/23
to sffila...@googlegroups.com
Hi Lions,

June 2023 club meeting recording is now up on our club youtube channel:
SF Fil-Am Lions Video Thumbnails.png

Leo-Lion Tessa

Club Social Media Accounts:
Facebook: SFFilAmLions
Instagram: sffilamlions

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