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Club Meeting - July 12, 2023

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Tessalou Valera

Jul 8, 2023, 2:01:47 PM7/8/23
to San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club

Hi Lions,

This is your reminder that we have our monthly club meeting next week on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 7pm. As discussed during our last meeting, we are moving this meeting to the second Wednesday of the month due to the international convention this week. 

SF Fil-Am Lions Meeting Agenda 2023-07-12

SF Fil-Am Lions Meeting Minutes 2023-06-07

See you next week!


Leo-Lion Tessalou Valera


Marketing Comms. Chair | 650-296-9570

San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club

We Serve | District 4-C4 |

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Jocelyn Mina

Jul 10, 2023, 9:40:42 PM7/10/23
to Tessalou Valera, San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club
Fellow SF Fil-Am Lions,

My apologies, again! Costco will deliver a few 
items on same day/@same time, as our Club 
Meeting this July. 

I’ve missed so many Meetings due to other 
“circumstances.” Hopefully: see you all next 
month—every month, again.

PDG Jocelyn 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 8, 2023, at 11:01 AM, Tessalou Valera <> wrote:

Hi Lions,

This is your reminder that we have our monthly club meeting next week on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 7pm. As discussed during our last meeting, we are moving this meeting to the second Wednesday of the month due to the international convention this week. 

SF Fil-Am Lions Meeting Agenda 2023-07-12

SF Fil-Am Lions Meeting Minutes 2023-06-07

See you next week!


Leo-Lion Tessalou Valera


Marketing Comms. Chair | 650-296-9570

San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club

We Serve | District 4-C4 |

Visit our website at
Also, check us out on Facebook at
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Tessalou Valera

Jul 13, 2023, 11:05:19 AM7/13/23
to San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club
Hi Lions,

July 2023 club meeting recording is now up on our club youtube channel:
SF Fil-Am Lions Video Thumbnails (1).png

Leo-Lion Tessa

Club Social Media Accounts:
Facebook: SFFilAmLions
Instagram: sffilamlions
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