The "People Power Media" = Haters Gonna Hate -

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Jon Schwark

Mar 31, 2015, 10:53:01 PM3/31/15
Here's the synopsis:

They are building a mid-rise with a bunch of micro-units near 10th and Mission called the Panoramic. The units are basically the size of a big dorm room. 

Before the building is even finished, 2 schools snapped up the right to rent the the units to their students as dorms. Basically its like a match made in heaven. 

You would think "a bunch of college kids don't have to sleep in the street when they come to San Francisco to go to college" would be good news right? 

Seriously, these people suck so hard sometimes. They literally hate everything.


Michael Petrelis

Apr 1, 2015, 3:05:56 AM4/1/15
At the last Plaza 16 steering committee, two members of PPM were present and had lots of info about the Planning Commission that was impressive. They were urging attendance at the next day's PC meeting but I don't recall Plaza 16 lifting a finger to get the word out about the meeting. Well, the insiders knew about it so no need to inform the unwashed masses who can't attend steering committee meetings.

On another thread today, I mentioned that seven months ago I suggested to Plaza 16 to get its act together about the PC - attend meetings, use public comment as organizing tool, etc - and put pressure where it mattered. In Plaza 16's alert today about their upcoming meetings, one if for strategizing about the PC. Seven long ass months wasted with Plaza 16 doing _nothing_ to educate folks about the PC, all because the professional nonprofit community "organizers" were more interested in talking about politically correct processes and theories than actual organizing.

Plaza 16 says a number of Mission groups and residents are _finally_ coming together just about the PC tonight, and my gut says Christina Olague has a hand in this effort, and I'll be curious to hear and see what comes out of tonight's meeting.

Reading the essay at the link Jon shared, I was again impressed with the knowledge the writer has regarding the PC. That knowledge should be actively imparted to every member of Plaza 16 or anyone working on Mission housing issues, who wants it.

Jon Schwark

Apr 1, 2015, 11:45:53 AM4/1/15
So Michael, do you buy their argument against this successful housing development for students? Is this really where they should be spending their time, or should they be working on securing funds through bond ballot measures for the affordable housing they want to build?

To me it seems counter-productive to push against something that is only 70% of what you want, when you could just be creatively pushing for ways to do exactly what you want. I actually get the Community Land Trust impulse. It's just that when they can't get it together to accomplish everything they want, they start attacking projects that are using the market to make housing for students. 

Stop attacking students. 

Sonja Trauss

Apr 1, 2015, 12:13:06 PM4/1/15
to Jon Schwark, sfbarentersfed
maaaaan I wish I could have gone to that meeting last night. I'm so dumb. I was there, in spirit.

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