Lots of housing legislation today at SF Board of Supes

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Jon Schwark

Feb 2, 2016, 11:59:36 AM2/2/16
to SFBA Renters Federation
Supervisor Wiener's Affordable Housing as a Principal Use - Streamlines the approval of 100% affordable developments by removing the conditional use authorization needed in cases where they wouldn't otherwise need it. We supported this at the Land Use Committee last week, and opposition had seemed to evaporate. Would be good to be there to take the win.

Establishment of a Local Match Commitment to the National Housing Trust Fund Supervisor Mar has a motion to match some Federal Affordable Housing Funds headed to the state for disbursal. Having the money set to match puts us in a better position to win the money in the state disbursal process, which favors projects with additional funding already lined up. This is probably a gimme, but its good to be there to support it.

Jane Kim's Committee of the Whole to increase affordable housing requirements on new developments. I think this is just a motion to have the committee of the whole where they can change the city charter later this month. This is a direct attack on the mayor's more broad consensus measure, and is part of the dueling ballot measures drama. Much has been written elsewhere, and this is but one component of a complex maneuver. The short answer is 25% is too much to require across the board without carefully planned incentives (such as provided in the AHBP). It will negatively impact the viability of housing construction where no office component is supporting the overall project. 

There are a couple of other things, but those are the big ones.

Sonja Trauss

Feb 2, 2016, 12:25:13 PM2/2/16
to Jon Schwark, SFBA Renters Federation
Woah. Good info, I'm going to definitely watch the affordable housing as principal use discussion 
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