Innovative idea to build more housing and save on

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Apr 16, 2016, 12:05:19 PM4/16/16
to SFBA Renters Federation
Hi, zoos are great institutions and the people who work in them are noble souls. But the San Francisco Zoo is an absolute disaster for the animals themselves. The land is situated next to the ocean, where freezing fog envelopes these poor creatures morning, noon and night. Many of these animals are African and faring poorly in this climate. Go to the zoo yourself and look into their eyes: they're absolutely miserable.

Frankly, we should close down the zoo and free the animals. Let them live out their days on ranches in Southern California, or better yet, back in the countries they were stolen from.

Then, suddenly, we will open up huge acreage inside San Francisco--already planned out with roads and utilities--that can be used for housing. In fact, all that land could be used for upwards of 50,000 or more people. Imagine what that would do for the housing situation? There already is a light rail line that goes to the zoo. A plan like this could build another line, east-west taking passengers to the nearest BART station and even further, to the T-3rd line.

In sum: let's close the zoo, free the animals, and build housing for large numbers of people in its place.

Mike Ege

Apr 16, 2016, 12:22:33 PM4/16/16
to, SFBA Renters Federation
​I actually like this idea, but it's politically difficult​. Lots of moderate folks and socialites have political buy-in with the Zoo and they're won battles over governance at the ballot box (contested bond issues, etc). In general they've been able to paint opponents as crackpots. 

Plus a new fight framed as "Zoo vs. Housing" will be reframed as "Our cute city treasure vs. rapacious developers"

There would need to be a serious attack on Zoo governance outside the political cycle for something like this to gain traction. There have been a number in the recent past, the tiger attack, high profile animal deaths, the whole thing with the Teamsters; but pro-zoo folks have been able to drown these out with money. 

Basically, people (or primates) would have to die for this to happen - more primate deaths, more people killed by exhibits, or enough old rich townies to die of old age that nobody likes the zoo anymore. 

Public opinion is slowly rising against zoos for obvious reasons, but I don't think we can ride it. I suspect demand plus public opinion will turn the Zoo into housing over time, however.


Mike Ege

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Apr 16, 2016, 12:39:29 PM4/16/16
to SFBA Renters Federation,
Not necessarily. You'd be surprised how ignorant most zoo patrons are of the animals' plight. If the issue were framed on setting the imprisoned animals free, I think many San Franciscans would approve. Don't underestimate the populist outrage against special interests. The very fact that they're interest groups supporting the zoo, in the face of the animals' clear misery, would go against them. What, they're paying money so we can gawk at incarcerated innocents? It's we who are the monkeys here. Spread this idea among your friends and you'll see how amenable most people are. First their reaction will be: aw, but I like the zoo. Then, they will realize: but do the animals like the zoo?

Also...the Oakland zoo is SO much better. Any San Franciscan who wants their fill of captive animals can go to Oakland and get a superior experience in a climate more like their native habitats.

David Evans

Apr 16, 2016, 1:13:05 PM4/16/16
to SFBA Renters Federation
There aren't as many parents left in SF but I'm guessing kids are the zoo's primary customers. And there is already a political narrative going about how unfriendly SF is to raising kids. So it would get mixing in with that conversation, even though housing is one of the main reasons families move out of the city.
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Mike Ege

Apr 16, 2016, 1:47:43 PM4/16/16
to, SFBA Renters Federation
You're framing this as an issue that will be decided by regular folks. That's not the case here. The Zoo and its allies have been able to beat back criticism ever since the 1997 bond issue. 

There needs to be a demographic change before we can be taken seriously about replacing the zoo with housing. It's slowly eroding anyway. 


Mike Ege

Mike Schiraldi

Apr 16, 2016, 2:16:20 PM4/16/16
to Mike Ege,, SFBA Renters Federation
If you think the zoo should be closed, please pursue that on its own
merits, separately from the housing movement.

If you mix it up with the housing movement, housing opponents are
going to portray our position as, "Those BARF people want to Build,
Baby, Build -- they won't be satisfied until we pave over every last
zoo and park!"

We don't need to pave over any parks, we don't need to close any zoos
(unless there are animal-welfare reasons to do so). There's plenty of
space for all the housing we need, except we're currently prohibiting
its owners from building anything on it except parking lots and
single-family homes.

Robert Tillman

Apr 16, 2016, 3:01:27 PM4/16/16
to David Evans, SFBA Renters Federation
It is a VERY bad idea to go after the zoo for so many political and economic reasons that it would be tiresome to list them. There are SO many other areas to build in SF higher that are hugely more appropriate. If we simply implement two policies: building what is zoned as right and greater height limits, we will have largely solved the problem.

From: David Evans <>
To: SFBA Renters Federation <>
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2016 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [sfbarentersfed] Innovative idea to build more housing and save on
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Rafael Solari

Apr 16, 2016, 10:40:50 PM4/16/16
to SFBA Renters Federation
The zoo is already built out. Look at this stack-and-pack density!
Inline image 1

Sonja Trauss

Apr 16, 2016, 11:07:58 PM4/16/16
to Rafael Solari, SFBA Renters Federation
I did a focus group of one - my boyfriend started reading this and immediately said, "yeah - I've always thought that, they don't like the freezing fog, they're not all whales. .... This is a good idea." 

❤️❤️❤️ that Mike Ege knows all the zoo scandals. 

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Alfred Twu

Apr 17, 2016, 5:22:15 AM4/17/16
to Sonja Trauss, Rafael Solari, sfbarentersfed

Zoo and housing doesn't have to be either or.... Could be a one of a kind, only in San Francisco opportunity for mixed use... Always wanted your own tiger but couldn't afford it?  Move into an apartment above the tigers! 

Alfred Twu

Apr 17, 2016, 5:38:58 AM4/17/16
to Sonja Trauss, sfbarentersfed, Rafael Solari

Mixed use zoo design



Apr 19, 2016, 7:41:21 PM4/19/16
to Rafael Solari, SFBA Renters Federation
Ha ha, good one Rafael – and I'm sure that housing is 100% affordable for the residents and provides them with sound habitation, even though some of the rooms may not have windows!

Love & Liberty,
                                ((( starchild )))

On Apr 16, 2016, at 7:40 PM, Rafael Solari wrote:

The zoo is already built out. Look at this stack-and-pack density!
<2016-04-16 16.06.07.jpg>
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